Gospel News · September - December 2015

SONGHOR | Bro Alex Abuya
We acknowledge with grateful thanks the Kiswahili versions we have received and may the
Almighty God bless you in this wonderful work as we continue to wait for the return of Our
Lord Jesus.
TONGAREN | Taken during visit of AGAPE IN ACTION sponsors
The visitors came from Canada and America and have sponsored more than 40 children in Tongaren. For
this action we will always praise God. Those in school uniforms are sponsored candidates now learning in
high school. On their knees are Bro Isaac Kapa and Nancy, his sister-wife. In our ecclesia we have started an
academy of pre-primary school known as “A.A. ACADEMY”.
I am so sad to inform you that Beatrice my
wife, who is a sister, fell asleep 4th December
2014 due to the breast cancer. I am hoping
that we are going to meet on
the day of resurrection soon.
I am very thankful for the New
Testaments. These will be very
helpful to our youth and others
who cannot understand English.
We are praying that God will
give you long life so that you
can complete the whole Bible
soon. Brothers and sisters are
very happy even though I would
like you to send me greetings
I would also like you to pray for me so that
God can help me with young ones that our
Sister Beatrice has left me with.
TURBO | Bro Emmanuel Milimo
Sis Beatrice and Bro Emmanuel Milimo