RAPOGI | Bro Mike GO Juma
I am fine and my family. I have not
regretted the service that I render to
the Lord. I am always ready to confess
and repent of my sins. May you forgive
me for staying silent for quite a long
time. I had some unavoidable commit-
ments that could not allow me to
SHIMO LA TEWA | Bro Anthony Kafula
We send much greetings from our
Ecclesia. We are all fine in the Name of
Our Master, who is helping us day and
I would like to apologize for delaying
replying but all in all God is good who
guides us from last year unto this year 2015,
the year we expect His Son to return to this
earth and establish God’s Kingdom.
For our church we are very happy to hear that
you are going to assist us with the Kiswahili
New Testament Bible. May God bless you and
open your doors and treasury. I have received
25 requests - from brothers and sisters (13),
friends who are about to be baptized this year,
Pictured top: Group of Shimo la Tewa Youths
Pictured above: Sis Madeleine Wamalwa being
sponsored to an academy by Agape
God willing, (5), youths (4), Sunday School
scholars, (3). These will assist them to read
and understand the Scriptures. Thank you for
feeding us with spiritual food through sending
us Bible Basics, Middle East pamphlets and
Gospel News.