Get the Bible Companion, best free Bible app. Full Bible text of the NEV [contemporary, modern English] with audio, deeper commentary on every verse, basic devotionals on every chapter, audio message on every chapter, youth message on all chapters, continuous play option for all audio files, reading planner, powerful search function, ad free, plus "Bible Basics" study course. No ads or popups. This app offers more features and resources, absolutely and genuinely free, than probably any other free Bible app.

Study the Bible for yourself online with a personal tutor here
Free hard copy NEV Bible with commentary here ; PDF file of NEV Bible with commentary bookmarked for Bible Companion readings here
List of material in non-English languages here
Welcome to, the official website of Carelinks Ministries! |
We're a network of Christian believers world-wide who through careful study of the Bible have come to conclusions that separate us from mainstream Christianity. We believe in salvation by grace; eternal life on earth in the Kingdom of God, to be established by the Lord Jesus Christ at His return; in the Lord Jesus as God's Son, but not "God the Son" or a pre-existent Jesus as taught in the common doctrine of the Trinity, which we reject; in taking full responsibility for our sins, and not blaming any personal Satan figure, whom we find nothing of in the Bible; the Bible being the inspired word of God we find no evidence there nor elsewhere for the existence of an immortal soul, 'hell' as a place of fire and torment etc (rather does 'hell' refer simply to the grave); and we urge people to do as the Bible says and be baptized by full immersion in water. You can read more about us in the "About us" section.
We seek to spread Bible knowledge world-wide, and seek to assist all who wish to be baptized into the saving name of the Lord Jesus. God blesses our work - we baptize a few hundred people each year, seeking to encourage them in turn to develop into independent churches or ecclesias. We also seek to care for our brothers and sisters, both practically and spiritually. This has involved us in producing and distributing literature in over 55 languages; holding online breaking of bread meetings; seeking to care for those who are the victims of Islamic and other persecution because of their Christian faith; counselling alcoholics; and generally sharing God's grace and truth, both practically and doctrinally, to all the world. He is offering eternal life - and we wish to share that with everyone, and to follow through on the joys and responsibilities which come from having this wonderful hope. |
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