about carelinks
Carelinks consist of a group of Brothers and Sisters across the globe whose aim is to preach the Gospel and offer pastoral care to our fellow believers, especially those baptised by ourselves. Members are represented in America, Australia, South Africa, the UK and both Eastern and Western Europe, which effectively means that the work continues around the clock and someone will always be available to respond to requests for information and calls for help and support. You can see who's who here. The best way to see what we're all about is to subscribe to our weekly emails or to see them online here. We began as a prayer email group and that spirit continues- please do pray for the work and the brothers and sisters and initiatives you read about. For over 15 years our special project was running a large soup kitchen and church in Riga, Latvia. We continue providing firewood and Winter heating support throughout Eastern Europe, but our current soup kitchen project is Lunchtime Church in Croydon, South London UK; and the related project of Church in a Pub. These initiatives are reaching hundreds of people and result in a steady stream of baptisms. Any wishing to come and assist should contact us; accommodation can be provided or arranged.
We believe God has blessed our efforts over the last 30 years.