About the 'Bible In Basic English' translation used in this book
“The Bible In Basic English was printed in 1965 by Cambridge Press in England.
Published without any copyright notice and distributed in America, this work fell
immediately and irretrievably into the Public Domain in the United States according
to the UCC convention of that time.
The form in which the Bible is given here is not simply another example of the Bible
story put into present-day English. The language used is Basic English.
Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute, is a simple
form of the English language which, with 850 words, is able to give the sense of
anything which may be said in English. By the addition of 50 Special Bible words
and the use of 100 words listed as giving most help in the reading of English verse,
this number has been increased to 1000 for the purpose of putting the Bible into
Working with the Orthological Institute, a Committee under the direction of
Professor S. H. Hooke, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Studies in the
University of London, has been responsible for a new English form of the Bible
made from the Hebrew and the Greek.
In this undertaking, the latest ideas and discoveries in connection with the work of
putting the Bible into other languages were taken into account, and when the Basic
form was complete it was gone over in detail by a Committee formed by the Syndics
of the Cambridge University Press.
The Basic Bible, which in this way was watched over by two separate groups of
experts through its different stages, is designed to be used wherever the English
language has taken root.
Frequently, the narrow limits of the word-list make it hard to keep the Basic
completely parallel with the Hebrew and the Greek; but great trouble has been
taken with every verse and every line to make certain that there are no errors of
sense and no loose wording”.
Taken from “e-Sword” online Bible.