How to teach from this book
Introduction and Notes to the Teacher
This course isn’t intended as a self-study guide. The aim of Speaking About
Jesus is to get intermediate level students of English to actually speak about the
things of Jesus, under the guidance of a competent local teacher or native
English speaker. By the end of the course, the student will have read the Gospel
of Mark, and will also have studied grammar relevant to intermediate level
The idea is that each lesson begins with the group reading the chapter from
Mark, each student reading a few verses each. The teacher can interrupt to
correct or demonstrate pronunciation. Define any difficult words, and encourage
students to write them in their language in the box provided. The grammar
explanations and exercises can then be talked through by the teacher, perhaps
with further explanation. Whenever possible, encourage the exercises to be done
in pairs. The students can write the answers, but should be encouraged to speak
them to each other in their pairs. They can practice asking questions and
answering them. Remember that the emphasis is upon speaking. It may be an
idea to ban the use of the local language for the duration of the lesson.
Intermediate level students should be able to speak with each other in English.
There is no specific homework as such; but every few lessons, there is a revision
section. This can serve as homework.