news from malawi
Our preaching efforts are still taking part in many places where there are Christians found or not, and it is one way of helping people to know the Bible and how to use it.
We have received ten Bible Basics, together with Bible Companions. Our request is, if you can, please send more Bible Companions as we are still in need of these. The Bible Basics are helpful because we use them in groups, reading and discussing; in so doing we learn more than one can alone. In my mind I have another idea for spreading the Truth, by working with other Christian Churches, sharing ideas, by which I think we can help one another - or walking door to door, or from place to place where people are found, to discuss our beliefs.
Bro. Peter Mbingwani

Chabonga Ecclesia with their Bible Basics

Bro. Mbingwani and his family.
The Changamile Christadelphian Church is still growing – we are receiving blessings from God Almighty. We were 20 in number, now we’re at 25 and we are joyfully meeting in our newly constructed hall.
Bro. Morris Assani
I went to attend a Bible School in Wsanje Bangula at Kalenso. The journey is about 60Km. The course was led by Brother Mark Sheppard, Sister Ruth Sheppard and Brother Paul Turner. We had very good lessons about Israel’s Kingdom and we learnt about it.
1. Why Israel asked for a King (1 Samuel 8)
2. The anointing of Saul to be King over his inheritance and how he failed to obey the law of God in 1 Samuel 13.
3. The anointing of David to be King of Israel in chapter 16 of 1 Samuel
4. The friendship of David and Jonathan and many more points from 1 Sam.18.
We also learnt about Melchizedek, King of Salem, Priest of the most high God (Genesis 14:18-20 and Hebrews chapters 5-7.) From this course I gained a lot, relevant to the days in which we now live.
1. World governments fail to rule over the earth and bring peace, as Saul failed in his lifetime.
2. Jesus, the beloved one of the Most High God appointed to be a King by God Himself as David was.
3. We need to be accompanied by Jesus, as Jonathan and David were by God.
4. Jesus is King and Priest like Melchizedek. While Saul was just a King, he was not a Priest. See Hebrews 5-7, especially chapter 7 v.17.
Through this I came to remember about Paul’s letter to the Romans, ch.13:11-12, where we read like this: ‘And do this, knowing the season, that now it is high time for you to wake out of sleep: for now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand”.
In these verses I think ‘night’ is people’s governments which are soon to be swept aside by Jesus, appointed King of Israel through God’s power. While the ‘day which is at hand’ is God’s Kingdom, whose leader is Jesus, who is King and Priest of the people, appointed by God Himself. This Kingdom will bring peace and prosperity to the people, and there will ultimately be no more death.
Please remember me in your daily prayers and send me letters.
Bro. Robert Folley

Bro. Robert Folley at his Family Study
I am finishing my third year with the Ministry of Health in June when we come to the end of our temporary work. No further opportunity of working with them.
The Malawi Government is now favouring those who voted. The Fertilizer coupon is given only to those who have voting cards. No voting cards, no chance of buying subsidized fertilizers.
My Mother, Sis. Manes, has been sick for two months now. She is crying day and night. She feels a very great pain in her thigh. She was treated for pain for a long time. She was admitted to hospital for just a week and was discharged before she was cured. The Government Hospital was helpless to me because they discharged my Mother while she is still sick.
This is a great problem to me because I am helping other people in the Ministry of Health, while the Ministry is failing to help me. I am very sorrowful because of her sickness, as she can never sit, never stand, and she always sleeps on her back day and night – she is full of pain. She is still at home and I don’t know what God will do for our family.
I am happy to know that you always think of something good for me. You requested Chichewa Bibles from the Gideon International Society for my Eclesia. If I receive Bibles from them I will tell you.
Bro. and Sis. Harmony Ntchalachala
The wonderful riches that are hidden away in God’s Word can only be found by searching. Before a miner can find an ounce of gold dust, he has to persevere and work for a long time.
And so it is with God’s Word; He shows us very simply how by trusting in the Lord Jesus we may be saved. But what other treasures there are in His book! We shall only know by prayerfully studying our Bibles.
Bro. Henderson Sosola
MWANZAIn the beginning there was darkness upon the earth, God said, let there be light and then there was light (Gen. 1:3). In John 8:12 Jesus Christ said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life”. Jesus here was referring to the good news of the light of the Gospel which those in darkness could experience, but those in the darkness did not comprehend ( John 1:4-5).
John the Baptist said of Jesus, he was “the true light which gives light to every man coming into the world (v9).
The darkness that came upon the Egyptians was because they did not receive the word of the living God. These people had their own God (Idols) e.g. Moon, Sun and others. The unbelief of the Egyptians was the cause which brought the darkness which lasted for three days and made them not to see each other. Only Goshen where the Israelites lived was there light. To day everyone who is walking with Jesus Christ is in the light, those who are denying him are in darkness. Jesus is still commanding us to follow his ways when he is telling us to let our light shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven 9Mat 5:16).
Bro Hackwell Mwenye
It looks that almost all countries have their own problems and they are growing bigger and bigger all the time. In my whole life I only need the kingdom of GOD. At present there is nothing that makes me happy, I only face problems all the time.
Bro. Amison Liwawa
I would like to inform you that we have a new group in a nearby district of Kasungu about 100km from Nkhotakota. This is more or less like a testimony to us as to how much the
Bible Basics book distribution has impacted on the people around us. Brother Chaunga had given a copy of
Bible Basics to a business friend from Kasungu District. After two months we have received information that a congregation of over 23 members are already meeting and they are expecting us to meet them there. To us that is a very good testimony about the work of God. Brother Chaunga is making plans to visits them next week. On the same note are there some books for teaching the children of ages 6 to 10 because as of now we sit with them together. Greetings to all brothers and sisters.
Bro. Esau Chirwa

Photo: Brother Esau sharing Bible Basics with a work colleague
Here I am fine, after a long time without communicating with you. In my long silence I felt lonely, but reading through Gospel News I become close to brethren and sisters worldwide, so please keep sending me the magazines.
A neighbour’s house caught fire after the fire from my garden burnt his house. So the owner of the house wants me to pay him for the burnt wooden poles, plastic sheet, and the roof of thatched grass: it was an accidental incident.
Bro. Joel Singini

Bro. Joel Singini (left), with an interested friend.
Let me express my sincere thanks for your good work in placing your helping hand on the trips we took visiting our brothers and sisters, both at Dzaleka Refugee Camp and in Nkhotakota District respectively. These trips resulted in the baptism service on 14th November 2010 at Senga-Bay in our fresh waters of Lake Malawi.
Brother Muleso did his part by helping to transport two sisters and some brothers who escorted them on their way to Senga-Bay to witness the baptism from Dzaleka Refugee Camp. Bro. and Sister Chaunga were also provided with transport to and from the baptism ceremony, and also brother Ishmael, who is now working with Bio Energy Resources Ltd. at Ngodzi, which is some way from Salima town.
Still there are more who wish to be baptised, but they have not yet finished studying the lessons; therefore we propose to have another baptism service next year in the month of April, God willing.
Bro. Austin Nyirenda
I want to thank you because of the things you have done for us, e.g. sending a Bible and Gospel News, and encouraging us to be faithful and to believe in the Son of God.
In my Ecclesia most people like to have Chichewa Bibles - only five members like English Bibles. We like preaching the Word of God by using the Bible, but many people do not have one of their own.
Bro. Harry Benito
We would like to have Bible Companions, as we have brothers who have none. We have 84 brothers in Nkanda Ecclesia with no Bible Companions.
We are very happy in Nkanda Ecclesia, waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Bro. Laiton John
Before I set the ball rolling, may I greet you in the precious Name of ‘Jesus Christ.’ Thank you very much for “A New Preaching and Consolidation Scheme.”
I have the honour to notify you that with effect from 30.11.2011. I am retiring from my career in the Prison service. My reasons are that my wife’s health is poor for much of the time, as you know from my previous letters. I have been failing to get aid through my work-place to pay hospital bills for my struggling wife. I do sincerely hope, if I get my pension gratuity, this will assist me to get an expensive medical practitioner to save my wife’s life.
With retirement I will be free to participate in all the Biblical activities. Brother, I have already submitted a letter of retirement, please do pray for me that my hopes and plans may be approved. My intention is to open an ‘Orphan Care Foundation.’
Bro. Henry Madula Banda
I am happy that the family is growing in Latvia and China, also Malawi – even worldwide. In Malawi now it’s the rainy season and in some areas we are experiencing it.
Thank you for the Gospel News, it’s good to understand other things we don’t know, and to hear how our brothers are doing out there, with some joining the family.
I have these chapters which I don’t understand their meaning. When I was explaining to my friend that Satan is our own mind, he came up with these chapters asking that I should tell him the meaning. They are Job chapters 1 and 2. Please help me to explain these chapters to a friend.
Bro. Samson Banda
Comment: These chapters are not easy to understand. One needs to go back in history and get a comprehensive understanding of how such terms are used in the Scriptures, in harmony with other first principles. Samson has been given ‘The Real Devil,’ a book which goes deeply into the subject and looks at every verse that mentions satan, devil, demons etc. MH
Would you please send me Bible Basics both in English and Chichewa? Please also send me a new version New Testament and continue sending Gospel News.
Bro. John L. Chikwama
What does the Bible tell about these events that happen in the world. I can just recall a few, just what happened in Kuwait in 1991,Then comimg to Iran's war( million of people lost their lives). Now coming to Afganistan war thousands upon thousands of lives have been lost. Look what happened in Sudan, Niger, Now coming to Egypt ,Mubarrack resigned on the 18th Day of demostrations on 11th February 2011, giving Egypt an usure future. What’s going to happen next - ha! time is near of the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ .You cannot really understand what is going on in the world today it, is somehow confusing but the Bible is our guide, that is why Brothers and Sisters we are not shaken with what is happening in the world. These things should happen, lets not give up the truth. We have to work for it and if possible we have to die for the truth. At the right time we are going to get the reward. for the signs of the coming of our Lord in Mathews ,Mark and Luke are being fulfilled. This generation we are fortunate, because we see all these signs with our naked eyes . Lets pray for one another as the coming of our lord Jesus Christ is mighty near.
Bro George Sanjama.