news from liberia
In Gospel News, October to December 2010, page 69, someone asked Bro. Maxwell Makah, “Why were we created black?” Please let me throw some Biblical light thereon. Noah and his family were all white, all eight of them. When Ham spied on the nakedness of his father Noah, he was cursed to be servant to his two brothers, Shem and Japheth. When they began to multiply each family went their way in different directions. Some went to the north, some went to the south, some went to the east and some went to the west. Those who came to Africa are the children of Ham who were cursed to be servants to Shem and Japheth, who went to the west and the east. Africa is situated right under the Equator, in the path of the sun, so to insulate the skin from the heat of the sun, God coloured those who migrated to Africa black – the colour God differentiated between the Master “white man” and the servant “black man”, descendants of Ham.
Bro. Theophilus O Lartey
Comment: I do not know the answer to this somewhat controversial subject. Another theory is that in the beginning they were all black and so the question is reversed – How did black men become white? The various pigmentations of our skin and hair are determined, I understand, by melanin, sunlight and vitamin D. Would be interesting if one of our scientific members could give us a serious scientific explanation. MH