This book is dedicated to all those of God who have suffered in their lifetime, often with a “no” answer.
They know the refining fire and they know that such suffering teaches us hope and faith in Him when there is nothing else.
Cover Photo: “Looking up”, Joel Hillman - from “The Lugarno Bush Track Series”
Publisher: Beverley Russell, September 2008
More copies of this book are available from:
Beverley Russell,
12 Booyong Avenue Lugarno, 2210, NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 9153 5779, email:
Printed and bound in Australia: Ligare Pty Ltd,
Supplementary works by the same author:
- “Travelling Through Tragedy, Carrying Burdens and Managing Life’s Unavoidable Sadness”
- “Depression - when all might seem lost”
- “Forgiveness and Reconciliation”
- “Kith and Kin - Studies in Dysfunction in Godly Families During the Patriarchal Age - The stories of Genesis - A Consideration of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph” (600 pages)