50 Colors and Their Types in Scripture
Rainbow God's Promises
Covenant Rev. 4:3
Gen. 9:13, 16
Blood Red Jesus' Sacrifice
Life Blood
Passover, Protection Ac. 20:28
Gen. 9:4
Ex. 12:23
Wine or Deep Red Covenant
Holy Spirit Lk. 22:20
Eph. 5:18
Orange Red (Flame) Sacrifice of Prayer
Praise & Worship
Consuming Fire
Purify, Refine
Holy Spirit Baptism
Works tested
judgment Heb. 13:15
1 Chr. 23:13
Lev. 3:3
Mal. 3:2
Ac. 2:3
1 Cor. 3:13
Rev. 21:8
Pink/Light Red Heart of Flesh Ezk. 11:19
Coral (Reddish) Red Sea, Exodus
Deliverance Heb. 11:23
Ex. 15:1&21
Yellow God's Glory Ezk. 1:4-8:2
Ps. 68:13
Amber/Olive (Oil) God's Anointing
Consecration Ex. 29:7
Green Life Everlasting
Flourish 1 Jn. 5:12
Ps. 37:35
Ps. 92:14
Pale Green Famine, war, pestilence Rev. 6:8
Royal Blue God's Commandments Num. 15:38
Sapphire Blue (Navy) Divine revelation Ex. 24:10
Light Blue Heaven, Heavenly Ezk. 1:26
Purple Messiah's Royalty
Believer's Royalty
Priesthood Jn. 19:2
Pr. 31:22
Song. 7:5
White (contains all colors)
Purity, Righteousness, Light, Festivity, Holy, Salvation, resurrection, Over comer, Triumph, Bride's Garments Dan. 12:10
Dan. 7:9
Matt. 17:2
Eccl. 9:8
Zech. 6:3
Jn. 20:12
Rev. 3:5
Rev. 7:9
Rev. 19:8
Silver Redemption Matt. 27:3-9
Gold Divine Nature Rev. 3:18
Pearl Treasure, Reward, Gate, Doorway Matt. 13:44-46
Rev. 21:21
Clear, Transparent Water Baptism
Wind, Holy Spirit
"Born-Again" Matt. 3:11
Jn. 3:3&5-7
Iridescent Overcomer
Rainbow Promise
New Jerusalem
Precious Stones
Heavenly Treasures Rev. 21:7,27
Rev. 4:3
Rev. 21:11-19
Brown/Wood Humanity
Godly Offspring Ex. 26:15
Is. 11:1
Jer. 23:5
Tan Bread
Y'shua (Jesus' Body) Lk. 22:19
Brass/Copper Tabernacle Altar, Atonement
Forgiveness Ex. 38:30
Num. 21:9
(without light-
does not contain color) Calamity, Terror, Death
Mourning, Sin, Conceal
Lie, Darkness, Evil Lam. 4:8
Rev. 6:5
Jer. 8:21
Jn. 3:19-20