46 Significant Biblical Numbers
Over a time span of 1,600 years, and with about 44 different writers contributing to its contents, the written Word of God came into existence. Yet, in spite of various cultures, countries and centuries, "The Book" has a harmony, such as no other piece of literature ever penned. The reason is that it is not a book of human origins, but its Author is God and numbers have been assigned hidden spiritual meanings.
1 God Deut. 6:4; Mk. 12:29-32; 1 Tim. 2:5
2 Divisions, Differences, Opposition Lev. 6:7; 1 Ki. 18:21; Matt. 6:24
3 Completeness in testimony Matt. 12:39, 40; Deut.19:15;
Eccl. 4:12
4 Material Completeness Ezk. 10; Heb. 2:4,
5 Grace 1 Sam. 17:40; Matt. 25:2
6 Man/Mans Labor apart from God Gen. 1:26-30, Prov. 6:16; Mk. 15:33
7 Spiritual Perfection/Completeness Gen. 2:2-3; Deut. 16:8, Heb. 4:4
8 New Beginnings Lev. 12:3; 2 Ki. 22:1; 1 Pet. 3:20
9 Judgment, Finality/man and works Lev. 23:32; Jer. 39:1; Mk. 15:33-34
10 Perfection of Divine Order Ex. 34:28; Lev. 23:27
11 Disorder, Disorganization, Imperfection Gen. 36:40-43; Ac. 1:15-20, 2:14
12 Perfection of Government Ex. 24:4; Lk. 2:42; Rev. 21:12-21
13 Rebellion, Apostasy , Corruption Gen. 17:25
14 Double Measure of Spiritual Perfection Nu. 29:15-32; Matt. 1:17; 2 Cor. 12:2
15 Acts wrought by Power of Divine Grace Gen. 7:20; 2 Ki. 20:6, Isa. 38:5
17 Perfection of Spiritual Order Gen. 47:28; Jer. 32:8-15;
Rom. 8:35-39
18 Bondage Jdg. 3:14; Lk. 13:11, 16
19 Divine Order Connected with Judgment See 10 and 9; Josh. 19:38
20 Expectancy Gen. 31:38, 41; 1 Sam. 7:2
22 Intensified 11, 1 Ki. 14:20, 16:29
Significant Biblical Numbers Continued
24 Higher form of Perfection of Government Rev, 4:4, 10, 11:6, 19:4
25 Higher form of Grace 5 Num. 8:24; Ezek. 40
27 Higher form of 3 See 20 and 7; Gen 8:14
28 4 and 7 combined Completeness/spiritual perfection.
Ex. 26:2
29 Expectation of Judgment See 20 and 9; Josh. 15:32
30 Higher perfection of divine order, Legal age Gen. 41:46; 2 Chr. 31:16; Lk. 3:23
31 Name of God and Deity See 30 and 1
40 Probation, Trial, Chastisement Gen. 7:4; Duet. 8:2-5; Mk. 1:13
42 Number of Anti-Christ Rev. 11:2, 13:5
50 Jubilee or Deliverance Lev. 25;
51 Divine Revelation Original books of the Bible in Greek & Hebrew
65 Apostasy of Ephraim Isa. 7:8
70 Perfect spiritual order with all spiritual power Jer. 35:11; Dan. 9:24; Matt. 18:22
120 3 x 40 Divinely appointed period of probation Gen. 6:3, Deut. 34:7; Ac. 1:15
153 Typologically equal Sons of God Gematria equals Sons of God,
Jn. 21:11
200 Insufficiency Josh. 7:21; 2 Sam. 15:11; Mk. 6:37
390 Number of Israel’s iniquity Ezek. 4:5, 4:9
400 Divinely perfect period Ac. 7:6
430 Israel to Egypt to the Law Ex. 12:40, 41; Gal. 3:17
490 Spiritual perfection of Jerusalem Period of 70 weeks (7’s) Dan. 9:24