26 Prayer (Prayers of the Bible by book)
PRAYER – listing of prayers found in the Bible.
Prayers in Genesis:
Adam and Eve talk with God: Gen. 3:8-19
Cain prays for Mercy: Gen 4:13-15
God talks to Noah: Gen. 6:12-7:5
Cain Prays for Mercy: Gen. 4:13-16
God talks to Noah: Gen. 6:12-7:1
God's Covenant With Noah: Gen. 9:1-17
God calls Abraham, the call: Gen. 12:1-5
Abraham prays for a son and for land, the Covenant: Gen. 15:1-18
The Covenant of Circumcision, Abraham prays for Ishmael: Gen. 17:1-26
Abraham pleads for Sodom: Gen. 18:20-33
Abraham prays for Abimelech: Gen. 20:17
Hagar Consoled: Gen. 21:14-20
Abraham Servant prays for success and guidance: Gen. 24:17-19
Prayer of Isaac for his barren wife: Gen. 25:21
Prayer of understanding of Rebekah: Gen. 25:22-25
God talks to Jacob: Gen. 28:10-15
Jacob prays for deliverance from Esau: Gen. 32:9-12
Jacob Wrestles With God all night: Gen. 32:22-31
Prayers in Exodus:
Israelites pray for Deliverance: Ex. 2:23-25; 3:7
Moses and God talk over the Burning Bush: Ex. 3:1-22, 4:1-17
How did God speak to Moses? Ex. 3:1-22, 4:1-17
Moses prays for Pharaoh: Ex. 8:9-15x
God talks to Moses 10 times in the 10 plagues: Ex. 7 to 11
Moses prays for good water: Ex. 15:22-25
Moses receives from God the Manna and Quail: Ex. 16:1-55
Water From the Rock: Ex. 17:3-7
Moses prays for Israel: Ex. 32:30-35
Prayers in Leviticus:
God speaks to Moses and Aaron in each chapter of Leviticus
Prayers in Numbers:
God speaks to Moses in most chapters of Numbers
The Priestly Blessing: Num. 6:22-27
Moses prays God for help, he wants to die: Num. 11:10-23
Moses prays for Miriam: Num. 12:1-14
Moses prays for a successor: Num. 27:15-22
Prayers in Deuteronomy:
Moses prays that he may see the Promised Land: Deut. 3:23-24, 34:1-4
The Shema: Deut. 6:4-9
The most used prayer by the Jews.
Jesus calls it the most important commandment.
God offers Joshua prosperity and success: Jos. 1:6-9
God offers Joshua Jericho: Jos. 6:1-11
Joshua prays for help: Jos. 7:6-13
Joshua spoke to God in Gibeon and the sun stood still: Jos. 10:12-14
The people in Judges listen to God but disobeyed: Jdg. 2:1-3
Gideon asks for proof of his call: Jdg. 6:36-40
Manoah, the father of Samson, prays for guidance: Jdg. 13:8-14
Samson prays for water: Jdg. 15:18-19
Samson prays for strength: Jdg. 16:28-30
1 Samuel:
Hannah prays for a son: 1 Sam. 1:10-20
Samuel prays for Israel's problems: 1 Sam. 7:5-12
2 Samuel:
David prays for guidance: 2 Sam. 2:1
God's Promise to David: 2 Sam. 7:5-17
David prays for blessing: 2 Sam. 7:18-29
1 Kings:
Solomon asks for wisdom in a dream: 1 Ki. 3:6-15
Elijah prays to resurrect the widow's son: 1 Ki. 17:20-23
Elijah prays for triumph over Baal: 1 Ki. 18:36-40
Elijah prays for death: 1 Ki. 19:4
2 Kings:
Elisha prays for blindness and sight: 2 Ki. 6:17-23
Jehohahaz prays for victory: 2 Ki. 13:4-5
Hezekiah prays for deliverance: 2 Ki. 19:15-19
Hezekiah prays for health: 2 Ki. 20:1-6
1 Chronicles:
Jabez prays for prosperity: 1 Chr. 4:10
The Reubenites pray for victory: 1 Chr. 5:18-22
2 Chronicles:
Judah in trouble prays for victory: 2 Chr. 13:13-15
Asa prays for help: 2 Chr. 14:11-12
Jehoshaphat cried out for help: 2 Chr. 18:31
Jehoshaphat, all Judah pray for protection: 2 Chr. 20:12-13,27
Priests pray for blessing: 2 Chr. 30:27
Manasseh prays for deliverance: 2 Chr. 33:12-13
Fasting and prayer of the Jews in trouble: Est. 4:3,15-16
Prayer of Mordecai against ruin: Est. 4:1-10
Job's prayer of fidelity to God: Job 1:20
Job wishes death before birth: Job 10:1-3, 18-19
Defiance of Job towards God: Job 31:1-40
Answer of God to Job: Job 38 to 41
God answers Job with 76 questions in chapters 38 to 41,
Response to repentance of Job... blessings of God to Job: Job 42:1-6, 10-16
1- Messianic and Prophetic Psalms:
- Messiah: Ps. 2
- The Passion of Jesus: Ps. 22, 31, 34, 41, 69, 118
- The Resurrection: Ps. 2, 16, 22, 40
- The Ascension: Ps. 24, 69, 110
- The Kingdom: Ps. 2, 45, 72, 89, 110, 132
- The Second Coming of Christ: Ps. 35
- To be rejected by His Nation's leaders: Ps. 118
- Eternal inheritor of David's Throne: Ps.132
- Man, through the Messiah, to become Lord of Creation: Ps. 8
2- Psalms of Praise and Thanksgiving:
Psalms of praise which start and finish with the word Alleluia:
- Great Hallel: Ps. 111-118, pilgrimage Psalms used during,
Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.
- Small Hallel: Ps. 134-139, used during meals.
- Grand Final Hallel: Ps. 145-150
- A special Hallel: Ps. 103-107
Psalms of Thanksgiving:
- Psalm of Thanksgiving: Ps. 100
- Individuals:
- For a sickness healed: Ps. 30, 41, 103
- For a victory: Ps.18, 118, 76
- For liberation of sin: Ps. 32, 103
- For liberation of death: Ps. 30, 40, 41, 116
- General: Ps. 100, 30, 33, 3, 65-68, 106, 138
- Collective:
- Victory over enemies: Ps. 124, 129... 46, 48, 73
- Good harvest: Ps. 65
- The 8 pardons to Israel: Ps.106
3- Psalms of Faith and Life:
- The Lord is my Shepherd: Ps. 23
- Psalms of faith and life: Ps. 46, 18, 27, 131, 133.
- The Providence of God: Ps. 37, 91, 103, 123, 124
- Thirst of God: Ps. 42, 62, 63, 84, 123
4- Psalms of the Church, Ecclesiological:
- The 7 Psalms of Zion, of the Church: Ps. 46, 48, 76, 87, 132, 133, 134
- The 7 Psalms of the Tabernacle: Ps. 15, 19, 27, 31, 61, 78, 132
- The 4 Psalms of the Ark: Ps. 24, 47,68,132
- The 8 Royal Psalms: Ps. 93-100
Psalms of the Kingdom of God, being sung inside the Temple.
- The 15 Songs of Ascent or Degree, sung at the Feasts in Jerusalem, or to
walk up the 15 steps to the Temple: Ps. 120-134
- The 7 Pilgrim Psalms, sung when they went up the 15 steps
to the Temple: Ps. 24, 44, 47, 68, 74, 80, 84
5- Penitential Psalms:
The 7 classic ones composed by David in his 7 trials after his sin with Bathsheba, 2 Sam.11-19
- Have mercy on me, Lord: Ps. 51
- You are my hiding place: Ps. 32
- From the depths of my soul: Ps.130
- Prayer of faith in the time is distress: Ps. 6, 25, 38, 102, 143
6- Psalms of Wisdom, of the Law of God, the two ways, of Maskil
("of Instruction"):
-Law of God:
- Ps. 19 The two books to know God: Nature and the Bible.
- Ps. 119 The longest Psalm, and the longest chapter in the Bible with 176
verses... thy word "a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (119:105)
- Ps. 15 The small Decalogue.
- Ps. 1 and Ps. 112... the way of the just, and the way of the wicked.
7- Historical Psalms... Lives of the Saints:
- The 8 big ones: Ps. 68, 78, 105, 106, 107, 114, 135, 136
8- Psalms of Lamentation and Petition:
Half of the Psalms are lamentation for something bad, with trust in the Lord, and
usually with thanksgiving for His solution of the problem.
- Ps. 22 Jesus at Calvary.
- Ps. 44 Church at Calvary.
- Ps. 88 One of the saddest Psalms.
- Ps. 37 Impressive,
- Ps. 14 and Ps. 54, similar.
- Enemies: 23 Psalms Ps. 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 35, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 64,
69, 70, 71, 73, 102, 109, 140, 143
- Imprecatory Psalms: Curses against the enemy: Ps. 109, 69... but 69 is also
beautiful, the Psalm of the Heart of Jesus (v.21).
- Sickness: Ps. 6, 30, 31, 38, 39, 41, 71, 88
- Sins: Penitential Psalms:
- Trouble: Ps. 61, 86, 141, 143
- Collective lamentations and petitions: Ps. 44, 60, 74, 79, 80, 83, 85, 106
9- Imprecatory Psalms:
- Ps. 109 and 69 are the two big ones... but 69 is also the Psalm of the
tender Heart of Jesus (Ps. 69:21-22).
- Other seventeen Imprecatory: Ps. 5, 6, 11, 12, 35, 37, 40, 52, 54,
56, 58, 69, 79, 83, 137, 139, 143
10- Psalms of Divine Healing:
Divine Healing in the Bible.
- Divine Healing Psalms: Ps. 103, 91, 6, 30, 41, 105, 143, 146, 147
- Sickness: Ps. 6, 30, 31, 38, 39, 41, 71, 88.
Call of Isaiah: Isa. 6:1-11
Hezekiah prays for his deadly illness: Isa. 38:1-4
Call of Jeremiah: Jer. 1:1-9
Jeremiah prayed for mercy: Jer. 14:7-14
Jeremiah prays for Judah: Jer. 42:1-12
Ezekiel prays for un-defilement: Ezk. 4:12-17
Daniel prays for knowledge: Dan. 2:16-23
Prayer of Azariah in the fire: Dan. 3:24-50
Prayer of the 3 in the furnace fire: Dan. 3:51-90
Prayer of King Nebuchadnezzar: Dan. 3:90-100
Jonah's prayer for deliverance, from inside the fish: Jonah 2:1-10
Prayer of Jonah's Anger at the Lord 's Compassion: Jonah 4:1-4
Habakkuk's prays for justice: Hab.1:1-7
Triumphal song of Habakkuk: Hab.3:1-19
Gospel prayers:
The Lords Prayer: Matt. 6:9-15; Lk. 11:1-3
The prayer sung in Heaven: Rev. 4:8, 9, 11
The Name of Jesus every knee should bow: Phil. 2:5-11
Prayers for the bread and wine:
Matt. 26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-28; Lk. 22:14-20, 28:30-31, 35
Prayer of Jesus for His Church, Priestly Prayer of Jesus: Jn. 17
The 7 Words of Jesus on the Cross:
- First Word: Father forgive them: Lk. 23:34
- Second Word: A Criminal prays for salvation: Lk. 23:43
- Third Word: The Great gift of Jesus: Jn. 19:26-27
- Fourth Word: "My God, my God”: Mt. 27:46, Mk. 15:34, Ps. 22:1
- Fifth Word: "I thirst": Jn. 19:28
- Sixth Word: "It is finished", "it is accomplished": Jn. 19:30
- Seventh Word: "Father, I commend my spirit": Lk. 23:46
Jesus for deliverance at Gethsemane: Matt. 26:39, 42, 43
Great things revealed to children: Matt. 11:25-26
Thanksgiving before the multiplication of the bread and fish:
Matt. 14:19, Mk. 6, Lk. 9, Jn. 6
Jesus at Lazarus's Tomb: Jn. 11:40-43
Jesus for the Father's Glory: Jn. 12:28
Prayers to Jesus in the Gospels:
Leper for Healing: Matt. 8:2-3, Mk. 1, Lk. 5
Prayer of the Centurion for his Servant: Matt. 8:5-13
The Disciples in the Tempest: Matt. 8:25
A ruler for his death daughter: Matt. 9
Jairus for his death daughter: Lk. 8:41
Martha for her death brother Lazarus: Jn. 11-12
A Bleeding Woman for 12 years: Matt. 9:20-22
The Two Blind Prayer: Matt. 9:27-29
A mother Canaanite for an epileptic: Matt. 15:21-28
The Father of an Epileptic: Lk. 9:38
The 10 Lepers Healed: Lk. 17:12
Blind Bartimaeus Prayer: Matt. 20; Mk. 10:46-52; Lk .18
Zechariah prays for a son: Lk. 1:13
The Birth of John the Baptist: Lk. 1:67-79
Song of Simeon: Lk. 2:29-32
Prayers of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector: Lk. 18:9-14
Pentecost came after nine days of prayer: Ac. 1:12-14; Ac. 2
The Believers' Prayer: Ac. 4:23-31
Prayer of Stephen: Ac. 7:59-60
Peter prays for the Resurrection of Dorcas: Ac. 9:36-40
Prayer of Cornelius and Peter: Ac. 10:1-47
Prayers of Christians for Peter: Ac. 12:5-19
Paul prays for the father of Publius: Ac. 28:7-10
Paul prays for the Romans: Rom. 1:7-9
Prayers and the Holy Spirit : Rom. 8:26
Paul prays for salvation of Israel: Rom. 10:1
Paul asks for prayers: Rom. 15:30-33
1 Corinthians:
Communion prayer of Thanksgiving: 1 Cor. 11:23-26
Prayer and the Spirit: 1 Cor. 12:3, 14:2-5, 13-17, 18-25
Orderly Worship: 1 Cor. 14:39-40
2 Corinthians:
Corinthians prayers for Paul: 2 Cor. 9-11
Paul prays for Grace, the thorn in the flesh: 2 Cor. 12:8-10
Prayer against doing wrong: 2 Cor. 13:7
Praise be to God the Father: Eph. 1:3-10
Thanksgiving and Prayer of Paul: Eph. 1:15-22
Paul prays for the Ephesians: Eph. 3:14-21
Prayer of Thanksgiving: Eph. 5:20
Pray in the Spirit on all occasions: Eph. 6:18-19
Prayer for Love: Phil. 1:9-11
Prayer of Thanks: Col. 1:3-6
Devote yourselves to prayer... pray for me: Col. 4:2-4
Prayer for knowledge, wisdom, understanding: Col. 1:9
Epaphras prays for Christians: Col. 4:12
1 Thessalonians:
Prayer of Thanksgiving: Pray always, continually, the "Formula of Happiness" in
the Bible: 1 Thess. 5:16-18
Prayer for Sanctification: 1 Thess. 5:23
2 Thessalonians:
To be count as worthy: 2 Thess. 1:11-12
Pray for us: 2 Thess. 3:1
1 Timothy:
Christians prayers for kings in authority: 1 Tim. 1:1-2
2 Timothy:
Paul prays for his disciples: 2 Tim. 1:3-4
Prayer of Thanksgiving: Philemon 4-5
Pray for us: Heb. 13:18-19
Prayer to the God of Peace: Heb. 13:20-21
The Prayer of Faith: Ja. 5:13-16
1- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: he who reads the words of this prophecy,
and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it,
because the time is near: Rev.1:1-3
2- Jesus Christ, the faithful witness: Rev.1:4-8
3- The prayer sang in Heaven continually, day and night, eternally:
Rev. 4:8, 9, 11
4- The Song of the Lamb, the New Song: Revelation calls Jesus the Lamb 28
times. Rev. 5, sings the "New Song" to the Lamb, and then it makes the
7 praises to the Lamb, symbol of perfection, and the 4 praises, symbol
of totality. Let's praise the Lamb with Revelation: Rev. 5:6-14
5- Song of the Redeemed and of the Angels: Rev. 7:9-12
6- Hymn of Judgment - of the Seventh Trumpet: Rev. 11:15-19
7- Song after the Satan was cast down: Rev.12:7-12
8- The New Song of the 144,000: Rev. 14:1-5
9- The song of Moses, song of the Lamb: victorious over the beast:
10- Hymn of the Fallen Babylon the Great: Rev.18:1-9
11- The Marriage Song, the quadruple Hallelujah: Rev.19:1-9
12- The Bridegroom Warrior on a White Horse, Song of the Angel:
13- Song of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem: Rev. 21:1-8
14- Song of Jesus Coming: Rev. 22:7-21
We should pray for each other: Ja. 5:16; 2 Thes. 3:1; Rom.15:30; 2 Cor. 1:11;
Col. 4:3; 1 Thes. 5:25; Heb.13:18.
1 Peter:
Praise to God for a Living Hope: 1 Pet. 3-9
1 John:
Prayer of Petition: 1 Jn. 5:14-15
Pray in the Spirit: Jude 20-21