19 Demons
DEMONS – The use of the term demon(s) was a common vernacular or term of the day to describe one afflicted with mental or physical illness also equated with idols, sickness, disease, or false doctrines given by men.
(see Sources of Evil - Yahweh sent evil spirits and Sickness, Sin,
Nowhere in Scripture is anyone ever tempted by Demons.
Nowhere in Scripture are Demons said to have fallen from anywhere.
No one is ever called a Demon and never equated with Angels.
Nowhere in Scripture do Demons (of themselves) speak, it’s always the person.
Nowhere in Scripture are Satan or the Devil in context with Demons.
Nowhere do Demons having any particular name associated with them.
(ex. Demons of Poverty, Famine, Hate, Murder, Sex, Drugs, Rock and roll, etc..)
Delivered or Deliverance(s) are never referred to in context of Demons. No one has ever been delivered from or received deliverances from demons.
Antichrist is never associated with Satan, the Devil or Demons. (see Trinity)
Not mentioned in the book of Revelation.
“Cast out,” is an Aramaic phrasing which means to restore to sanity.
“Unclean spirits,” is an Aramaic term used to describe lunatics.
Other things rebuked -
Jesus rebuked demons. (Mk. 9:25)
He rebuked a fever. (Lk. 4:39)
He rebuked the wind. (Mt. 8:26)
Other things departing -
Demons departed. (Mt. 17:18)
Leprosy departing. (Mk. 1:42)
Diseases departing. (Ac. 19:12)
The Syrophoenician Woman - an obvious language of the day usage.
Demon departed. (Mk. 7:30) Daughter Healed. (Matt. 15:28)
Un-biblical terms or phrases used to describe Demons.
Arch-enemy of God or man Attacked by Demons
Demons are fallen Angels Demonic forces
Demons deceived Demons influence people to sin
Evil Angels (i.e. the Divine type) Demonic hordes
Satan’s Minions Demons sinned
Satan and Demons (together in context) Demons in the Garden of Eden
Sin came from Angels Enemy of our soul
Demons in Hell Sinful (rebellious) Angels
Tormenting souls Tempted by Demons
Possessed by Demons Demonic manifestation (s)
Demon spirit (s) Supernatural beings
Demonic possession Demonic strongholds
Enemy of God Enemy of Man
Demons causing one to be sick, blind, deaf, dumb, lame, etc.., or causing trouble.
Demons in the O.T. – always refer to idols.
Lev. 17:7 Their sacrifices to the goat demons, or goat idols.
Deut. 28:14-28, 59-61 Predicted that mental disease would be one of the
punishments for worshipping other gods/demons. Furthering the
evidence of the N.T. vernacular of the day concept.
Deut. 32:17 They sacrificed to demons; (v: 16) equated with idols.
(Deut. 28:64, Isa. 44:9)
2 Chron. 11:15 The (devils) and for the calves which he had made. (Goat idols)
Ps. 106:37 Sacrificed…to the demons; (v: 38) idols of Canaan.
Amazing how in nearly 2500 years of Jewish Biblical History the term ‘Demon’ was hardly used in the terms as it is in the times of Jesus through today. The very different common language usage may have been caused by the influence of Gnostic, Greek philosophy, Persian, and Babylonian mystery religions. Furthering the evidence that demons and fallen angel devils were not part of the true teachings of Old Testament theology.
Demons in the N.T.
All verses N.T. 1140
Vines N.T. words: (noun) NT:1140 daimon - dai/mwn (NT:1142), "a demon," signified, among pagan Greeks, an inferior deity, whether good or bad. In the N.T. it denotes "an evil spirit." It is used in Matt. 8:31, mistranslated "devils."
Vines N.T. words affirms that the term ‘demon(s)’ are among pagan Greek deities. There is only one God. If one holds to the belief of these so called deities namely demons, they are espousing polytheism. The Bible uses these words in the vernacular or language of the day. There is no other deity but one Yahweh alone. (see Attributes of God, Sources of Evil, Angels)
Matt. 7:22 Cast out demons, perform many miracles; / restored to sanity.
Matt. 9:33 Demon was cast out, the dumb man spoke; /equated with muteness.
(Ex. 4:11 Yahweh makes deaf, mute, seeing, or blind not demons)
Matt. 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons.
(or restored to sanity)
Matt. 15:22-28, (Mk. 7:26-30) (v: 22) demon-possessed; (v: 28) healed at once.
Matt. 17:18 The demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once.
(v: 15 lunatic, very ill, falls into fire / description of epileptic seizures?)
Mk. 1:32, 34 Bringing to Him all who were ill (and/or) those who were
demon-possessed. 34 He healed many who were ill with various
diseases, (and/or) cast out (restored to sanity) many demons; (diseases
and demons equated) and He was not permitting the demons (those he
healed, v: 32) to speak, because they knew who He was.
(and can be or, Strong’s NT:2532 translated; and, also, both, but, even,
for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet. Shows doctrinal bias in
Mk. 1:39 Preaching and casting out the demons / equated with correction of
doctrine due to Christ preaching restored to sanity. (1 Tim. 4:1)
Mk. 3:14-15 He sends them out to preach, to have authority to cast out the
Demons. (restore to sanity, by preaching right doctrine. 1 Tim. 4:1)
Mk. 3:21-30 He has lost his senses, the scribes accused Jesus of being
possessed, He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons /
equated Jesus’ power with insanity, teaches how ridiculous their
doctrine is and points to the real and only power. (v: 29)
(Matt. 12:24-28)
Mk. 6:12-13 Preaching repentance / casting out/restore to sanity many
and/or equated with healing the sick.
Mk. 7:26-30 Demon departed. (Mk. 7:30) Daughter Healed (Matt. 15:28)
Mk. 9:38-39 Casting out demons in your name / performing miracle.
Mk. 16:9 Cast out seven demons. Seven = spiritual perfection, restored sanity.
Mk. 16:17 They will cast out demons / restore to sanity, through preaching.
(v: 15)
Lk. 4:33-36 Man possessed by the spirit of an unclean demon, (not in right mind)
The man cried out. (Not the unclean spirit)
Have you come to destroy us? (Torture was a common exorcism
practice of the day) (Matt. 8:29, Mk. 5:7)
I know who You are — the Holy One of God! (How did the man know
who Jesus was? (Matt. 16:17, 1 Cor. 12:3)
But Jesus rebuked him, saying, "Be quiet and come out of him!"
Very common that these people afflicted with these illnesses get the revelation
on whom Jesus is when he arrives.
(Mk. 3:11-12, Lk. 4:41, Ac. 16:17-18, Ja. 2:19)
Maybe their sickness and affliction has broken their heart enough for the Father
to reveal the son to them?
Maybe they truly understand the state of mind they are in?
Lk. 7:33 John the Baptist has a demon, / language of the day or teaching of
different doctrines, crazy mad man.
Lk. 8:2 Healed of evil spirits and sicknesses – (see Translation bias below)
Magdalene, from whom seven demons cast out/ restored to sanity.
Lk. 9:1 Authority over all demons, even to cure diseases / healing and curing.
Lk. 9:42 Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the boy.
Threw him into convulsions? Possible epilepsy?
Lk. 10:17 Demons subject to us / healing (v. 9) Jesus commanded to heal and
peach the Kingdom of God has come.
Lk. 11:14-20 Jesus uses the language of the day to prove his point.
(v: 14) Casting out a demon, and it was mute – the mute man spoke.
(Ex. 4:11 God makes men mute, not some other supernatural beings)
Lk. 13:32 I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow = equated
with healing or restored to sanity. (see Translation bias below)
Jn. 7:20 Jesus heals a man the crowd says He has a devil / language of the day.
Jn. 8:39-59 Jews accused Jesus of having a demon /read context essentially
they were calling him a mad man, accused him of blasphemy, language
of the day.
Jn. 10:20 He hath a demon, and is mad / equated with mental illness, language
of the day. (Ex. 4:11)
Ac. 17:16-18 Strange demons / equated with pagan gods and doctrines and
idolatry. Another proof for the language of the day vernacular.
1 Cor. 10:18-21 Sacrifice to idols / equated with demons. Paul stating O.T.
doctrine on demons. (see Demons in the O.T.)
1 Tim. 4:1 Seducing spirits/teachings of demons, false teachings of men. (v. 2)
Ja. 2:19 God is One, The demons also believe, and tremble. Context is
comparing people who try to keep the law and justify themselves by it.
James seems to be equating these people with demons. Namely the
Jews. (v: 12, 13, also Rom. 7:9, 9:31; Gal. 5:3, 1 Cor. 8:4; Gal. 4:8-11)
Rev. 9:20 Worship demons, or the idols of…..which can neither see hear, walk.
(Note: This phrase alone is contrary to traditions Demons.)
Rev. 16:12-14 Sixth bowl judgment sent by God through and angel to do His will.
(see Sources of Evil and Angels section)
Rev. 18:2 Dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for
every unclean and hated bird! Context. (Rev. 18:2-20) No mention of
super natural beings, all verses point to sinners and their works, false
doctrines and lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
(2 Pet. 1:4; 1 Jn. 2:16)
All verses N.T. 1139
Thayers N.T. words; NT:1139 (verb) daimoni/zomai aorist passive participle, to be under the power of a demon. In the N. T. daimonizo/menoi are persons afflicted with especially severe diseases, either bodily or mental (such as paralysis, blindness, deafness, loss of speech, epilepsy, melancholy, insanity, etc.)
(see Attributes of God, Sources of Evil, Angels, also Translation Bias below)
Many of the following are just more examples of vernacular of the day concept.
Matt. 4:24 Demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them.
Equated with healing various illnesses.
Matt. 8:16 Demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and
healed all who were sick. Obvious language of the day.
Matt. 9:32-33 A man, mute, demon-possessed /equated with healing. (Ex 4:11)
Matt. 12:22 Demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him. (Ex. 4:11)
Matt. 15:22 Daughter is severely demon-possessed. (v. 28 daughter was healed)
Mk. 1:32-34 All who were sick - demon-possessed / healed.
(Demons to speak, because they knew Him / the people whom he
healed spoke not the demons.) (Hab. 2:18, 19; 1 Cor. 12:2) O.T.
Demons are idols which cannot speak N.T. demons therefore cannot
Mk. 5:15-18 Demon-possessed, sitting and clothed and in his right mind /
equated with insanity.
Lk. 8:36-37 Demon-possessed was healed (v. 35, clothed in right mind)
Jn. 10:21 These are not the words of one who has a demon. Can a demon open
the eyes of the blind? (Ex. 4:11 Can traditions demons shut them?)
Other infirmity spirits not using the term demon
Mk. 1:26 Throwing him into convulsions, the unclean spirit cried out with a loud
voice and came out of him. (Epilepsy?) Insane man cried out. (v: 23)
Mk. 9:20 The spirit threw him into a convulsion, and falling to the ground, he
began rolling around, foaming at the mouth. (Epilepsy?) (Lk. 9:39, 42)
Lk. 13:11 Woman with a spirit of infirmity bowed together, and could in no
wise lift up herself. (Arthritis?)
Ac. 16:16 A spirit of divination met us. (v. 18 come out of her / restored to sanity.
Ac. 19:12-13 The sick, the diseases left them, evil spirits went out / healing
restored to sanity.
Ac. 19:13 Jewish exorcists (unbaptized believers?) tried to heal a sick, wicked
man and got beat up by the man. (Lk. 6:45)
Other scriptures -
Matt 12:43-45 The unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he, I, himself, I, he. Jesus
personifies unclean spirits with those seeking after signs.(context v. 39)
His point is that nothing is gained by perusing them. If one continues in
this state of mind, the man is worsened by his delusion. Seven times,
completely given over to their lust.
(2 Thes. 2:9-12; 1 Ki. 22:18-22; 2 Chr. 18:18-22)
Demon-Possessed Men Healed (Matt. 8:28 – 9:1; Mk. 5:1-20; Lk. 8:26-39)
Lk. 8:27 No clothes, lived in tombs / obvious insanity.
v: 28 Fell at Jesus feet / I thought demons kept people away from Christ?
Son of the most high God. The Father revealed the Son.
(Matt. 16:16, 17)
Do not torment me / Torture was a common exorcism treatment.
v: 29 Seized him, drove him into the wilderness.
v: 30 What is your name? The man spoke, his pervious tormentors probably
told him he had a legion as he was so sick.
v: 31 Did not want to go to the abyss/They probably locked him in the tombs.
v: 32 Heard of swine. Illness may have been worms from undercooked pork
eating his brain?
v: 35 Demons departed / healed, restored to sanity, clothed in right mind.
v: 36 Demon-possessed man had been cured.
No mention of fallen angels, Satan or Lucifer.
The term Unclean in Mk. 5:2 according to Thayers:
NT:169 akathartos (ak-ath'-ar-tos); in a ceremonial sense, that which must be abstained from according to the Levitical law, lest impurity be contracted:
Ac. 10:14; 11:8 (of food); Ac. 10:28; 1 Cor. 7:14 (of men); 2 Cor. 6:17 (from Septuagint Isa. 52:11, of things pertaining to idolatry); Rev. 18:2 (of birds), b. in a moral sense, unclean in thought and life.
This man’s sickness may have been caused by eating unclean meat.
Translation bias - looking at the word “and” just one example.
Mk. 1:39 And He went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee, preaching
and casting out the demons.
On the surface it looks like Jesus preached and cast out demons as if it were two separate things going on.
May it be also that preaching is equated with casting out the demons just one thing being accomplished?
The word “and.”
NT:2532 kai (kahee); apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:
KJV - and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Why do you suppose they used the word “and” instead of these other words?
An alternate translation could be:
preaching or casting out the demons
preaching even casting out the demons
preaching therefore casting out the demons
preaching so then casting out the demons
Possible interpretation:
In this construct, the demons may be referring to false doctrines. Jesus’ preaching (that is speaking truth) casting out or restoring to sanity. Correcting wrong ideas, thoughts, or concepts through preaching.
Cast out is an Aramaic phrasing which means to restore to sanity.
Re-translation could be:
preaching or restoring to sanity the demons
preaching even restoring to sanity the demons
preaching therefore restoring to sanity the demons
preaching so then restoring to sanity the demons
Another possible interpretation: So preaching true and right doctrine restores to sanity, in this case the demons are those people who needed correction by this preaching. This case may be referring to the Jews in the Synagogue. (see 1 Tim. 4:1; Matt. 4:23) Calling the Pharisees demons in Mk. 1:39, highlights the common vernacular of the day concept.