2-2 "The word was with God"
The Hebrew idea of being "with" someone can carry the idea of being
'in their presence'. 2 Kings 5:1,2 speak of how Naaman was "with" his
master, and the RVmg. gives "before" or 'in the presence of' as a
translation of this idiom. He is paralleled in the record with the maid
who was "before" (RVmg.) her mistress, Naaman's wife. When we read that
the word was "with" God, the idea is that the word was always before
God, in His presence, in His perspective. Applied to an abstract idea
like the logos, surely the idea is that God always had this
plan for a Son before Him, in His presence / perspective.
Wisdom In Proverbs
The basic idea in John 1 is repeated in Proverbs 8. In the beginning, there was a logos
/ word / intention with the Father. His ‘idea’ of having a Son was not
thought up at the last minute, as some sort of expediency in order to
cope with the unexpected problem of human sin, as some of the critics
and false teachers of the first century taught. In fact, it wouldn’t be
going too far to say that John actually has Proverbs 8 in mind when
speaking about the logos being in the beginning with the Father.
8:22-31 (ASV) reads: “Jehovah possessed me in the beginning of his way,
Before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the
beginning, Before the earth was. When there were no depths, I was
brought forth, When there were no fountains abounding with water.
Before the mountains were settled, Before the hills was I brought
forth; While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, Nor the
beginning of the dust of the world. When he established the heavens, I
was there: When he set a circle upon the face of the deep, When he made
firm the skies above, When the fountains of the deep became strong,
When he gave to the sea its bound, That the waters should not
transgress his commandment, When he marked out the foundations of the
earth; Then I was by him, as a master workman; And I was daily his
delight, Rejoicing always before him, Rejoicing in his habitable earth;
And my delight was with the sons of men”.
The key issue
is whether “wisdom” in Proverbs is in fact the Lord Jesus personally. A
brief glance at Proverbs surely indicates that wisdom is being
personified as a woman. Wisdom in Proverbs stands at the gates and
invites men to come listen to her. She dwells with prudence (Prov.
8:12), and in Solomon’s time cried out to men as they entered the city
(Prov. 8:1-3). None of these things are intended to be taken literally.
“Wisdom” is wisdom- albeit personified. Wisdom was “possessed” by God-
and yet the Hebrew word translated “possessed” is defined by Strong as
meaning ‘to create’. When God started His “way” or path with men, He
had principles and purpose. He didn’t make up His principles as He went
along. And this was what was being said by John’s first century
critics. Therefore John alluded to Proverbs 8 in explaining that the
essential purpose of the Father was all summarized and epitomized in
the person of His Son; and that logos was created / conceived
by the Father from the very beginning. Note that Prov. 8:24,25
describes wisdom as being “brought forth” by the Father from the
beginning. Again, God as it were hatched a plan. Even if we were to
equate wisdom with Jesus personally, He was still created / brought
forth from the Father. Somewhat different to the false Trinitarian
notion of an ‘uncreate’ Jesus who ‘eternally existed’. Wisdom was the
“master workman” (Prov. 8:30), or ‘the one trusted / believed in’
(Heb.)- in the sense that all of God’s natural creation was made
according to and reflective of the principles of “wisdom”. John’s
allusion to Prov. 8 shows that this “wisdom” was above all to be
embodied and epitomized in God’s Son. From this it follows that the
whole of the natural creation was designed with the Lord Jesus in mind.
Somehow it speaks of Him; will be used by Him; and will in some sense
be liberated and redeemed by Him from “the bondage of corruption” to
share the glorious liberty of us God’s children (Rom. 8:21-24). And
perhaps this is why we sense that the Son of God was strangely at peace
with the natural creation around Him, and could so effortlessly extract
deep spiritual lessons from the birds, flowers and clouds around Him.
“Then I was by [Heb. toward] him” (Prov. 8:30) is the idea behind the
Greek text of Jn. 1:1: “The word was [toward] God”. It wasn’t Jesus
personally who was with God or God-ward; it was the word / wisdom / logos which was, and this was then “made flesh” in the person of the Lord Jesus. And this logos was the "wisdom" in Proverbs.
demonstrated that John’s Gospel begins with the idea that the “word” of
God in the Old Testament was made flesh in the person of the Lord
Jesus. But John actually continues that theme throughout his Gospel. He
continually refers to things which the Jews saw symbols of the Torah-
and applies them to Jesus. Examples include the bread / manna and
water, and also light. The Assumption of Moses speaks of the Torah as
“the light that enlightens every man who comes into the world”- and
this is exactly the language of Jn. 1:9 about Christ. Bearing this in
mind, it is interesting to discover that nearly all the phrases used in
the prologue to John’s Gospel are alluding to what Jewish writers had
said about the “Wisdom of God”, especially in Proverbs and the
apocryphal writings known as the Wisdom of Solomon and Ecclesiasticus(1).
And they understood “Wisdom” to primarily refer to the Torah. For
example, Jn. 1:14 RVmg. states that the Lord Jesus as the word made
flesh “tabernacled amongst us”. Yet Ecclus. 24:8 speaks of Wisdom
‘tabernacling’ amongst Israel. Skenoo, the verb ‘to tabernacle’, is of course related to the noun skene,
the tabernacle. As Israel lived in tents in the wilderness, God too
came and lived with them in a tent- called the tabernacle, the tent
where God could be met. The idea was that God wasn’t so far from them,
He chose to come and be like them- they lived in tents, so He too lived
in a tent. He didn't build a huge house or palace to live in- because
that's not how His people lived. He ‘tented’ in a tent like them. This
pointed forward to the genuine humanity of the Lord Jesus; for the
human condition is likened to a tent in 2 Cor. 5:1. So rather than
proving that ‘Jesus was God’, this whole prologue to John’s Gospel
actually proves otherwise. The language of pre-existence was applied by
the Jews to the Torah and Wisdom, and so when John demonstrates that
the ultimate Wisdom / Torah / logos / word which was from the
beginning has now been fulfilled in and effectively replaced by Jesus,
he’s going to reference that same ‘pre-existence’ language to make his
point. As an example, the Mishnah stated (Aboth Nathan) that “Before the world was made the Torah was written and lay in the bosom of God”(2).
John’s desire is that his fellow Jews quit these fanciful ideas and
realize that right now, in Heaven, the Son of God is in the bosom of
the Father (Jn. 1:18). He right now is the word-made-flesh.The uninspired Jewish writings spoke of the descent and re-ascent of Wisdom (1 Enoch 42; 4 Ezra 5:9; 2 Bar. 48:36; 3 Enoch 5:12; 6:3), and Philo especially connects Wisdom and the Logos. It seems that these wrong Jewish ideas found their ways into Christianity, and were taken over and wrongly applied to Jesus. Indeed I would go so far as to argue that John's 'Logos' passage in Jn. 1:1-14 is in fact a deconstruction of those wrong ideas; he alludes to them and corrects them, just as Moses alluded to incorrect pagan myths of creation and shows a confused Israel in the wilderness what the true story actually was.
(1) This is shown at great length throughout Rendel Harris, The Origin of The Prologue To St. John’s Gospel (Cambridge: C.U.P., 1917).
(2) Cited in C.H. Dodd, The Interpretation Of The Fourth Gospel (Cambridge: C.U.P., 1953) p. 86.