Loving His Appearing

It is a fact that the Lord Jesus will come again but not to die as a sin offering but to bring rewards for those who love his second appearing. Others may not love his appearing due to the fact that they have not been mindful of all that the Lord requires them to do.

The fact that the master of the house is away, his many servants are reckless and so will be overwhelmed by his sudden appearing. Therefore, what sort of people ought we to be? We, individually, should consider ourselves as having our Master’s talents. Have we made use of our talents? We need not be as that servant who hid his master’s talent in a napkin due to fear. Our Master is a very loving Master and so we need to carry out our duties confidently.

Once again, he who is coming will really come whether one likes it or not. So we need to watch and pray for the day of the Lord is unknown to all of us.

Bro. Sylvester Tembo (Mzuzu, Malawi)

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