news from zambia
Bible Study at Kafue Ecclesia, Sambia with some using the NEV New Testament
I have a student who is keen to be baptised and there are some interested contacts. My prayer is that we have an ecclesia in Chambishi which I soon wish to start at my house that I am renting.
Bro. Christopher Mwewa
I have three friends who are curious about the Truth; two are Catholic and the other a Pentecostal. They have asked for copies of Bible Basics. I had two copies, one of which I am reading and I gave the other to one of my friends. He has sent his comments to me and said that he found the book interesting and helpful and would like to read more booklets and literature. I have also lent him some copies of Gospel News. Please send some more copies of books so that I may give them to other friends.
Bro. Edward Mutale

Bro. Edward Mutale
It was not my desire to overload you with a pile of work but I was encouraged by your letter. It is not so bad also to request Bro. David Nicholls to do the printing, as he also told us to translate the leaflets into our own languages for easy preaching. I received your Bible Basics for personal use at home and being our ecclesial treasurer and also the ecclesial librarian, I have many Bible Basics and a variety of books for borrowing and they are kept very safely. So please post all the translations to Bro Nicholls and I shall send him the remaining sixteen in order to cover all the topics. Otherwise we are doing our best in spreading the gospel.
Bro. Wellington Mukuma
Christian greetings to you in the precious name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May the Almighty God continue blessing you and giving you good health as you do His work of spreading the Good News. I received the mail and the contents were wonderful and educative. May I request the following books: Study Guides to Revelation and Daniel, a Bible Dictionary and Bible study books. Attending to my epileptic son takes a lot of time and also my wife’s continuing problems with fibroids. Raising money for medication is hard and tough and only God our Creator has the power to wipe out all these problems. Please continue praying for me and my family. Kabwe Ecclesia joins me in sending our love to you all.
Bro. Maybin Bwalya
Due to the location of my new position, I cannot yet meet with the brothers and sisters at Kafue Ecclesia, but as soon as I am stable with my new appointment I will join them. At the moment I cannot walk such a distance due to my leg problem and so when my financial position normalises things will be fine. I still feel we need to keep sharing, especially the things we see, hear and read about, though they may at times be very difficult to understand or appreciate. It is the time that we should keep sharing experiences all around us, also to pray about situations like the Middle East conflicts, even when we feel spiritually bankrupt. There is hence the need to be nearer to God than ever so that we can always be refreshed by the Word. Signs of the times are what we now experience, so please keep sending me these updates. I am still thankful for these materials which I receive.
I really need some more materials; the Bible Missionary, Middle East Events, the Christaelphian, Faith Alive. Gospel News and Glad Tidings, as I now seem in isolation. Perhaps more than that, all these are full of expressions of unity and information, and as such help to remove loneliness and to always be refreshing. In this way we hear news, opinions, benefits from others and perhaps most significant it helps us not to lose sight of the wonders of salvation for which we all long.
I will keep you updated of any new developments, but for now I hope to do a Diploma programme on Easy Childhood Education for the 2011 intake, God Willing.
Bro. Wilfred Chbomba
Thank you very much for your letter and for the New Testament Bible. This is a great tool for all believers to read and understand the Word of God and be able to preach to those who are still thirsting for the Word.
Sis Juliet Sakala
I enjoy the opportunity of reading news from all over the world which includes so many encouraging references to the coming of Christ. Please continue sending me more books if you have them and also more Bible Companions, so that we may start to prepare more people to come to the Truth and know the true God.
Bro. Chisosa Ostine
May I please request Bible Reading Planners for students who are now studying ‘New Life in Christ’ with us. I visited Sis. Jane and Mr. Sunyanga in Chief Chulubanama’s area as Bro. David requested. Mr. Sunyanga has never done any CBM. lessons but he has read through some pamphlets from Sis. Jane. However, I have asked Bro. Kunda to register Mr. Sunyanga as a student. I will also make myself available to him for further assistance.
Bro. Boniface Simpanzye

The Kasama Ecclesia
Man shall not live by bread alone. (Matt.4:1-4)
These words were used by the Lord Jesus Christ after having been led up by the Spirit in the wilderness to be tempted. After fasting for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry and the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread. But he answered, It is written, MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD.” What are the words that come from the mouth of God? From Old Testament to New Testament God has not wanted any man he has created in his own image to perish by turning away from him, practising all that is evil, but to repent, hold fast to His commandments and enjoy eternal life in the Kingdom to come.
In Acts 17:30 the Bible warns us that the times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men and women everywhere around the world to repent. In Zech.1:3-4 God requires us to turn to Him and He will return to us and we will enjoy His blessings through His Son. His Word is just and true and we should follow in the footsteps of Our Master, Jesus Christ, who never ignored the Word of His Father, our Father, spiritually, when we remain Christians with sound faith. It is a good lesson for every believer to follow His character. Jesus, having human nature, did not submit to the tempter, although He was hungry, because He had God’s Word in Him all the time.
Bro. John Kasanda
I was so pleased when I received “The Real Christ”, not realising that there would as well be “The Real Devil” and “Wrested Scriptures”. I immediately looked up the references to “angels that sinned”. I am now convinced beyond doubt and praise be to God for this knowledge. May God bless you for helping us to get into good shape before the return of God’s Anointed Son.
Thank you also for the Bible Basics, Gospel News and leaflets on present day events, which I enjoy and am kept busy reading prayerfully in order to grasp all the information.
Bro. John Kasanda
Thank you for the book “The Real Christ”, which contains many topics and helps me to understand the true teaching of the Bible.
Bro. Robert Miwele
I enjoyed the visit by Bro. David Nicholls and Sis. Lynda four months ago, when they came to meet us in Kitwe. I am still in isolation and trying hard to make people understand the Christadelphian doctrine. I live on the farm some five Kilometers from the district. I have five children in all, for Sunday School: three are my children and two are their friends within the neighbourhood. I am a brick-layer, but not in formal employment. Sometimes I do chance work and walk to the district to build for a few hours. I lead a very simple life and am happy about it. Three of my children go to school. God has blessed me abundantly.
Please send me the required number of New Testament Bibles and a few Gospel magazines, some Sunday School material and easy to read booklets especially for the Sunday School scholars. I am very interested in youngsters, because as they grow, God willing, they become full-time Christians and they don’t easily forget what they learn. I also have a number of visitors who are interested in learning the Truth.
I am happy that it is the rainy season and we are preparing the land for planting. It gives us work, and we are always busy.
Bro. Willies Simbowe
I am glad to hear that you intend to print the whole of the New Testament with supporting notes on Christadelphian beliefs and I hope that this will be another tool for our effective preaching here. I am also thankful for this extraordinary book, “The Real Devil”, which is so interesting and gives a clear picture of what a ‘devil’ is.
Bro. Stephen Siamabi
I am doing great and am so happy to contribute to the Magazine again. I may not be able to count my blessings but am certainly able to share them. I loved the new preaching scheme which has to do with the newest and very special kind of New Testament. It is going to help a lot of our students in real need. Our extremely good Heavenly Father has pampered us in the year 2010 with lots of stunning blessings; so I say a blessed 2011 to every person and let us continue to wait for Jesus Christ with readiness of heart and mind. Your fellow-pilgrim to God’s Kingdom,
Sis. Lyn Tembo
I thank God for the letter you sent me which I appreciated. Please send me a book about Muslims and their beliefs so that they will not be a problem to me. I also need a Bible with the Old and New Testaments and cross references so that I can understand and enjoy it better. What is the Holy Spirit and what are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Is prophecy about my present lifetime or things which are in the past?
Bro. Joshua Banda
Let us continue praying for one another as if we lived side by side. It is my sincere hope and trust that all is well. Thank you for the book about the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit gifts which will help me explain any doubts about the subject with my contacts. As always in the mission field this subject is a problem, especially when teaching those with a strange doctrinal background.
I receive bi-monthly copies of the Logos magazine from Bro. Goodman of Australia as thankfully copies are sent to some of us in third world countries who cannot afford them. It is a good magazine which has exciting articles and teaches much about the past and current history of Israel. I liked the signs of the times leaflets you sent on Israel. Yes, Israel will soon have no other friend in the world. We should always look closely at Israel. In the near future, if war breaks out, America will wash her hands of Israel, who will then have no super power to help her. If this happens then our Lord Jesus will return and save Israel – may that day be soon.
I am pleased to hear that the New Testament project is underway. I always put such good initiative in God’s hands and pray that the project will be a success. Thank you for letting me know that Duncan is in China. We pray that God will protect him, especially as you said there are governmental problems there. We only water the seed but God gives the increase. Give my brotherly love to him when he returns. The return of our Lord is near and there is no time to waste and we must be busy doing the Lord’s work. I pray that one day we can meet in person, perhaps when Christ returns, which would be wonderful, and I will make a great effort to find you.
I have minor pains, please pray for me.
I liked the leaflets containing the signs of the times, and I would request for more regular ones to be sent to me. These teach us a lot about what is happening around us, with Biblical interpretations. These papers will help to give us a general picture that the return of Christ is very near and that we need to use our time wisely for Kingdom purposes.
Bro. Gideon Hankomone
Brothers, we have a big problem with our daughter, Sis. Thresser, who is very sick. We went with her to the hospital and were given a prescription for drugs costing k400,000 in Zambian money. At the moment we do not have that amount of money as it has been used to pay for her education – this time she has finished grade 12. There is no peace in the world and we have to be watchful as our redemption draws near in God’s most wonderful Kingdom; we sincerely pray that we will be given a place therein.
Bro. Charles and Sis. Cathrine Daka
All in Mufulira Ecclesia are waiting for our Master, Jesus Christ, to come and establish His Kingdom here on earth. I met a student and discussed with him about baptism. In his church when you want to be baptised you have to pay a fee of about k10,000, equivalent to two dollars, to their pastors, but as it was difficult for him to pay this amount he was baptised on credit and he had to pay at the end of the month. I explained to him that baptism is free and it should be performed when a person understands God’s Will and repents, as Peter replied in Acts 2:38, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins”. You don’t have to pay a certain amount of money. Paul’s letter to the Romans tells us that “we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4.
Bro. Fred Mumba