news from tanzania
We take this opportunity to inform you that our postal box number has changed from no. 3 and we now use Box 770.
Bro. Edward Musabah
Bro. Iyendya Amsini has written telling of his horrible experiences in Congo, where his family and some close relatives were killed by poisoning and he escaped by moving from place to place and narrowly escaped death, the reason for attempting to kill him was because of refusing the witchcraft of his family because he himself was a Christian.
We have received letters from others who also have been so badly treated and even in the refugee camps there are examples of extreme brutality and murders. Bro. Iyendya appeals that we remember such in our prayers and to pray for Jesus’ coming to ultimately bring to an end such atrocities. MH

Photo Bro. Iyendya Amsini
What do you think about the coming of Jesus Christ? We cannot hinder a moment as it flies because we are not able to do so, but we are promised that we will be rewarded with everlasting life and nobody will die again. Jesus will come back to establish his Kingdom on the earth with its capital in Jerusalem. Are you really sure that you will be rewarded with everlasting life? If not, what are you waiting for?
The address of CBM Kibirizi is no longer P.O. Box 3, but it is now P.O. Box 770, Kibirizi, Kigoma, Tanzania, East Africa and the address of Bro. Habonimana Isaac has changed to P.O.Box 369, Kasulu, Kigoma, Tanzania, East Africa
Bro. Iyendya Amsini

Photo Bro. Francis Osiro
Please find enclosed the article to print in the Gospel News magazine. I would like to send you many articles for printing in the magazine but the big problem is that I lack papers. Please if possible send me a single copy of the following books: Bible Basics in English and ‘The Real Christ’.
Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca