news from nigeria
I have received the “The Real Christ” and find it is very rich, educational and interesting to read – thank you. You help us a great deal and this book is the best.
We are now increased in number, but there is no material for our preaching work. Everybody is free to preach wherever he likes, all over the whole world.
Although a little late, I wish to pay tribute to Brother B. Idris. Although he has slept in Christ for a while, in the mind of people like me we often think of him. He served his Heavenly Father well, despite poor health. Notwithstanding, he was ill for many years, yet he always proclaimed our Faith. Our prayers and thoughts are with all his family at this time, especially his beloved wife, Sister Hellen Idris. Brother Idris has put all his earthly suffering behind and now sleeps, knowing that his next waking moment will be at that great resurrection call.

Photo: Bro. Idris Nkene
Time marches on – onwards to the great goal of the coming Kingdom. We are looking for the Kingdom of God this year. I realized that our God is hearing my prayers for all of you: keep on with your efforts to do God’s work.
See the enclosed of tracts I made with the help of Bro. Stanley. Blackstone. He designed it, with my ‘phone and address, and sent it back here so I could photocopy as many as I want. Please thank Bro. Stanley on my behalf for his love for us in supplying materials for the work. I travelled to my village 200 miles away during the Xmas holiday and distributed a lot of tracts and pamphlets there. People received them with happiness. Our teaching is quite different from Christendom. Soon I will go and see how things are.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu
Greetings in the mighty Name of Jesus. I am very sorry for the delay in my response to your kindness to me and Ikwueke Ecclesia. I have been sick with eye trouble and arthritis, which needs money and time to cure. I am taking this opportunity to let you know that we of the Ikwueke Ecclesia stand strong and firm in our prayers with your aid, awaiting the promise of God, by His grace. We read in 2 Cor.12:9 “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” He gives more grace as our burden grows greater, and He sends more strength as our labours increase. We glorify God for life and strength.
Thank you for the books donated by a brother and sister, which were duly received and stir up my desire for the betterment of Ikwueke Ecclesia and beyond.
I am delighted to announce the immersion of Sis Amarachi Joy Chinedu of Ikwueke Ecclesia.
Bro. Friday and Sis Jane Enyiogu
I am very grateful for the literature which I have received. I have started the work of our Master by giving most of them to many people, to give them insight to the truth of the gospel – the good news of God’s Kingdom coming soon.
Most of the Christians (who we used to call ‘Christendom,’) believe that a true child of God should never have any difficulties or trials, that all things should be well with them. Now, in Abraham, whose seed we are, we find to him was born Isaac when he was aged one hundred years. He lived as a refugee until his death and was buried without having God’s promises fulfilled (Hebrews 11 vv 8-9, 13). As Abraham’s was a true death, why should we of these days regret the stages of life we are passing through?
The Apostle Paul says that he was like a boxer who does not waste his ‘punches’, but he hardens his body with blows and brings it under complete control, to keep himself from being disqualified. (1 Cor.9:26-27) Paul was never a boxer, footballer nor a sportsman, rather he spoke of the material benefits to which he was entitled as a preacher of the gospel, but which he refused to have(1 Cor.9:11-18).
Please, if it is possible, I would like to have a Bible with a Concordance and Dictionary. With this letter you will see a ‘photo of three people. The person in the middle is my Sister Mother named Sis. Nyozi Ben Onyeri, whom Almighty God brought to become a Sister in Christ after many challenges; on the left is my Sister Wife, Sis. Ebene Chika Onyeri, who was having emails from Sis. Wendy, wife of Bro. Stephen Sykes. I am on the right - my name, Chika, means God is above all things.
Bro. Chika Onyeri

Bro. Chika Onyeri (right), with his Mother and Wife.