Mission opportunity at our very doors!

The streets of downtown Auckland began to change! The government policy had opened up to Asian migration. Thousands began to arrive. Schools, universities, shopkeepers were all confused by the Babel effect! These new people to our shores needed to integrate. Language, education, housing, employment created huge barriers for them. New Zealanders stood back aghast! What had we done?

Many of the first ‘wave’ of Chinese people were those who had seen an opportunity to escape from Communism. Some were from once Christian families. Some were looking for renewal of faith. Others were just inquisitive about the Bible, Christians, churches, rituals.

Asians are driven by ‘education’ and respond quickly to the word FREE! The Bible Education Class became the catchword and opportunity for our local brethren to get working amongst them. Classes began filling rapidly, forty at a time was quite normal and for us ‘beginners’ we were way out of our depth! However, God had other and greater plans. Soon we were affecting changes in lives. Bible knowledge and understanding was now being gained, serious faith was called for, life and behaviour changes became challenges to culture and lifestyle.

At the same time the ecclesial members here had mixed feelings about it all. This was unprecedented, unheard of; a bit frightening for some. Moving over to meet the new environment was not always welcomed!

The first baptisms were wonderful experiences!

Soon it was very evident that our standard ecclesial ‘ways’ were not very appropriate for these new brethren. Dual language, modern TEV translations were not very acceptable’ to some. Archaic wording of hymns meant they were virtually unintelligible, and still are, for many. A new ‘special needs’ ecclesia was quickly formed to better meet the needs. The work expanded rapidly. Everyone was on fire! Attendances of 100% became the norm. Rice, noodles and chopsticks miraculously appeared at fraternal dinners. What a breath of fresh air this was!

A weekly programme now covered four strategic city sites for The Bible Education Classes. Over a few short years nearly forty new members were baptized. All this change occurred in perhaps twelve months only. We were thrilled to be part of this great result.

Our memorial meeting dealt with the basic beliefs, Bible stories and basic NEW LIFE subjects. Translation was a normal feature. These were the halcyon days!

Things began to change. Some new brethren moved to other cities in NZ. Some looked for richer ground in Australia. Others returned to China. We settled down with some 25 members for the longer term. They began to grow more confident in their English skills and gave doubt to the need for translation. Two classes were closed down. Lack of available teachers was one reason given. We were not able or ready to sustain the effort for the ‘long term’ and ecclesial interest began to wane and retract. The ecclesia began to get a more regular look about it. Exhortations became more detailed, more complex and the proportion of visitors slowed. At one time it might have had a 50/50 ratio of baptized/unbaptized attendees. The change was not particularly noticeable at first. Then one of our very supportive and diligent families gave way to Pentecostal and evangelical urges. This was a huge loss and the ripple effect is still very evident. Right now it is fair to say that we are fighting to maintain the ship on a steady course.

My brethren, there is a vital lesson in all of this.

Don’t lose sight of the least of your visitors/ members!” Walk slowly enough for the little ones. Treat the visitors (whoever they are) as being important and vital to growth. They will give impetus to the work of the ecclesia. The ecclesia must NOT think that a weekly meeting is sufficient to maintain effective witness and hold on to new brethren. There is just too much week in between!

Fellowship is a much wider matter than just Sunday 11.00am. One hour together is NOT enough. Fellowship needs to be more Biblical and pursued and forwarded in down- to- earth and practical needs. Our visitors notice our non- attendances more than we might think. Just be there, all the time, every time, on time!

Brethren, pray for one another fervently, especially in the matter of effective witness to the love of the Lord and His mighty power to save.

Bro Neil Todd (Auckland, New Zealand)

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