Exhortation: Obadiah and Hebrew 3-5

The book of Obadiah is just like the book of Revelation, both are books of visions – the one shown to Obadiah by God and the other shown to John by the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They both teach about what would happen in the future, especially in the day of the Lord’s return to the earth and life in the Kingdom of God on this earth.

The book teaches that God will not accommodate the proud in His kingdom. It also reminds us that God will not forget His promises to Abraham (Genesis 12:3). Verses 6-10 of Obadiah clearly show that He will curse those nations that curse the nation of Jacob (Israel). As in Revelation 22:12, Obadiah 15 prophesies how individuals will be judged, each according to his works: the righteous for life and the evil ones for death (Romans 6:23). The righteous shall live with Christ. God will be their God, and they shall be His people. Jesus will hand over everything to his father after 1000 years 1 Cor 15:28; Rev 20:7-8).

The Ethiopian eunuch upon hearing the word of God acted quickly, and when they came to the place where there was water, did not delay but asked “See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized” (Acts 8:36). So today, we who have heard the scriptures, should act.

Jesus and the thief on the cross: the thief believed that Jesus had done nothing wrong deserving death and quickly asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus replied, “Today, thou shalt be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). That day, the thief’s name was written in the book of life, and when Jesus comes in his kingdom, he will remember that thief.

To us, Jesus said that we should go and preach the good news to all nations without delay (Mark 16:15). So if we have heard his voice and read from the scriptures, we should not think of doing it tomorrow, but today.

Today, as we break bread and drink wine at the Lord’s table, we should remember that Jesus died for our sins, and we should remember that God is love.

Bro Moses Ajiweka (Chinhoye, Zimbabwe)

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