Visit to Mozambique

The trip was undertaken by Bro Moses and Sis. Evelyn Dhlakama (Zimbabwe) to encourage and assess the 15 Shona correspondence course students that had responded to our advertisement. We were truly delighted to find them waiting for us at Bro. Arone’s home and we spent the afternoon discussing questions. We divided into two groups - the Shona-speaking students and the Portuguese. One student said he wants to be baptized, but he still needs more instruction.

Bro. Moses gave the advertised talk on, “What is the True Message of the Bible?” The talk was attended by a combination of students and those that came as a result of the advertisement. We suggest that for any similar effort in future a day be set aside to advertise it by way of leaflet distribution.

We have been welcomed into the homes of these very grateful villagers. Life here is harsh, but all the difficulties visitors face are soon forgotten when they see the abundant love and affection the villagers show, because we bring them the ‘glad tidings’.

During our visit we were asked to come back and speak especially about baptism and the new life. Almost every night we talked well into the morning with a good number of people present. Among other things the Mozambiqueans are hard workers in spite of the poverty. I noticed an unwavering hope of a better future that can sustain them in their daily lives. The true gospel we preach has been well received.

As I am writing, Moses and Admire Museba of Masvingo Rural have just returned from Mozambique and they bring us some good news that Christ’s family has recently increased by one member in that area. Our new Sister is Evermore Muchanga, the wife of Bro. Arone who was baptized in February this year. By being a constant example in daily matters, Arone introduced members of his family to our Correspondence Course and Evermore has been corresponding with me.

Lastly, but not least, we must have the spiritual ambition to take the gospel to the whole world, no matter how small or large that world may be - the ‘world’ of our street or our town, or our nation or as far as we are able.

Please, my dear brothers and sisters, keep strong, “always abounding in the work of the Lord.”

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