Fufilling Our Vows

When we were without God in this world and foreigners (aliens) to the commonwealth of Israel, God in His mercy, sent His beloved son, Jesus, who redeemed us from the curse of sin (Eph2:12; Romans 5:8).  And God is not willing for any to perish but for everyone to come to repentance.  So, as we all know, our sins can only be forgiven through acknowledging the work and sacrificial death of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will never be disappointed.  We came to be spiritual Israel when we put on the name of Jesus through baptism, thereby putting off our old selves and becoming new creatures in the Lord (2 Cor. 5:17).  It means at that time we vowed to God that we would serve Him and obey Him in all He required of us. But sadly we do fail to fulfil our vow by not doing the will of God. 

Remember what happened to the Israelites in the wilderness when they failed to fulfil their vow.  Yet reading through (Ex. 19:7,8) we are told that Israel agreed to do all that God commanded them, but then later on they rebelled against Him by turning away from Him (Ex. 32:8).  In (Numbers 14:21-23) we see how that all those who had seen the good acts of God were not allowed to enter the land of Canaan.  Equally, if we fail to remain faithful to God and His promises, we will be left out of the Kingdom of God, which He has promised to those who love Him.

All that happened to Israel happened as examples (1 Cor. 10:6) to us that we should not set our hearts on evil things as they did. If we do not circumcise our hearts and remain faithful to our Heavenly Father, then He will reward us according to our works (Rom. 2:6). What we sow is what we shall reap (Gal. 6:8).  Let us all fix our eyes on the future Kingdom of God.  We need to make sure that we adhere to the things of God.  The order of these present things is passing away (1 John 2:17), therefore we need to repent of our failings and remain faithful as we wait eagerly and patiently for the restitution of all things.

Bro. Paul Chembe (Lusaka, Zambia)

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