11-2-3 Tyre in Ezekiel 26
The prophecy about Tyre, (in Ez. 26) indicated that the place would be scraped of her dust and made like the top of a rock, a place for spreading of nets, plundered for the nations, cast out, devoured with fire, (Hosea, Amos and Zechariah also), and NEVER REBUILT, (Ez. 26:21)(11th year). However, later in Chapter 29, (27th year), we learn that Nebuchadnezzar and his soldiers would be given the land of Egypt, because they laboured strenuously and long against Tyre, so long that the soldiers had rubbed heads and shoulders from their leather helmets and armour, (verse 18), but they did not overcome Tyre. So instead God would give Nebuchadnezzar the land of Egypt, for wages. " Spoil and pillage from Egypt will be the wages that My servant will take from Egypt, instead of the reward I promised you at Tyre" , (verse 17, 18, 19). Nebuchadnezzar was " God's servant" , and even though he did a great service for God, in punishment at Tyre, (verse 18), God changed the terms and conditions of his labour. He would not conquer Tyre, but he was given Egypt instead! Tyre was NOT laid bare, and NOT never rebuilt. It thrived and still thrives. It had its ups and downs, with different conquerors, of course. To the best of my memory the peninsula that they built into the sea to defend themselves is not there now, but the seaside town is. It lays nets out, as a fishing town, but it is not bare. We have photos of us there. We know it was there in NT times (Peter). Is it that God changes His mind? Did someone, (of whom there is no record), plead successfully for Tyre, like Lot did unsuccessfully for Sodom? Or is it that He tells us something, only a piece of the future at a time, and then we get a fuller picture later on? The prophesy goes on and on about Tyre's destruction, and one has to be quick to see the change of circumstance in a few verses in Ezekiel 29! The complete destruction of Tyre has been used to show that the Bible is true, by some undiscerning folk, in past lectures, in our time, (with lantern slide pictures of destruction there). Once world travel was easily available and people more readily saw Tyre, that mistake is not made now. The point, (that the Bible is true), is better made elsewhere.
We do not need to question God's prophesies. We can believe Him each time, and believe the changes He makes, as well. In this prophecy do we know a reason why God changed his mind about utter and complete destruction of Tyre? It does indicate that we don't know everything, that we don't need to, and that God does not tell us. He decides what is best. Certainly the Bible record keeps us on our toes! For then " They shall know that I am the Lord" , Ez. 29: 21.
Ted & Bev Russell
To this I would add a comment from Is. 23:1,2,4,15,18. These verses seem to imply that if Tyre had howled in repentance and then been silent and ashamed, she would be ‘forgotten’ 70 years and then become devoted to Yahweh. This never happened. Yet the 70 year period is of course analogous to Judah’s 70 years in captivity, also without repentance.