June 2021 France, Iran, North America, Sierra Leone, UK
We strongly recommend you download the
"Bible Companion" app, from where you can access
Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings,
Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carelinks.bc and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-companion/id1475914490 You can break bread live online as follows:
Sunday mornings 08:00 a.m. GMT on the Facebook
"Carelinks Ministries" page; and on Zoom
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6697401754?pwd=K0VWNDlScGwzaThPM2tiU0didmNyUT09 Meeting ID: 669 740 1754 Passcode: XPb9Sz
Sundays at 3:00 PM New Zealand time. That's 1 PM in Sydney Australia; 10 PM in New York, USA on Saturday evening [run by Br John Aldersley in New Zealand] on
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81015280780?pwd=LzAwNDRTTzhNcFpiRGlmaGx6YUpvZz09 Sundays at 10am North American Eastern Time [3 PM UK GMT time, 11 PM Sydney Australia time]. Run by Br Jim Barton in Canada.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9123758179 Meeting ID: 912 375 8179 . Also, Bible class on Wednesdays at 7 PM North American Eastern Time
This has been another wonderful week for the Gospel, and the progress of the things of the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom. Of the 1.5 million who have downloaded the Bible Companion app, another eight were baptized this week. Again, an average of [over] one baptism every day. In totally different areas and from very different lives- in which the Lord has patiently been working. We aren't interested in the stats of themselves, but clearly a great movement is underway as the true Gospel spreads online. We so appreciate all of you who are praying and donating towards this.
FRANCE After some months of correspondence, ADELINE baptized herself. Still a teenager, our young sister's conversion gives us much hope that the younger generation in Europe are not at all lost to the Gospel. The secularism of France, as of many Western countries, has spawned a counter reaction in some- a desire for purity, for spirituality, for connection with God, a desire for a moral compass, for authority which can be trusted. And they find this in the Bible and in the final moral authority of the God of the Bible, and His Son. In the Lord Jesus they see true "love", defined and exemplified, as opposed to the fake "love" of the secular world and a permissive society. Although few in number, there are such young people out there, and they naturally come to these things on their screens and apps.
IRAN Again, a sizeable minority in repressive regimes are yearning for authentic relationship with God and His Son. As in secular Europe, such folks easily see through the fake religions which are on offer. Be it Catholicism in France and Italy or extreme Islam in Iran, relatively many people are seeing through what surrounds them and looking for God's truth. And so this week we were able to online baptize SALMAN and ALI.
ITALY / SICILY There is currently an ongoing trip in Sicily, working with the African migrant brethren. Please do pray for the work, and remember we are very open to donations towards the welfare issues there. So many of the migrants are without support and are stuck in Sicily, often very prone to abuse and exploitation, the women especially. We hope to report more next week, God willing.
SIERRA LEONE Then in the rain forest of West Africa, ANDREW and ABED baptized themselves in a jungle pool with us watching from Europe and Australia. These men had searched for God's Truth and found it, and have a real heart to take that message to others. There in the rain forests of West Africa. We marvel at how technology allowed us to talk with them through the forest to the pool and to observe their baptisms. The internet was surprisingly good:
UNITED KINGDOM Response continues from the UK, and although this week we report more progress in the immigrant community, there is also plenty of response from old school British people who just don't find what they are looking for in "churchianity". But they wish to believe, in God, in Jesus, in the Bible, and to go that way rather than the way of the lost world and of rudderless religion. We had a lovely double baptism this week of two young men, ALI in the south of UK and another ALI in the north. Again, witnessed by brethren from UK and also the other side of the world.
USA A number of us from literally all over the planet gathered together to watch DAVID, an ex military man from Pennsylvania USA, baptize himself in his bath tub. After 20 years of military service in Germany, he'd had an interesting life path.... which brought him to baptism into the Lord Jesus.
The video of his baptism is at
https://youtu.be/8m0KAGNMRoI This time we left in all the small talk so you can enter into the total spirit of the wonderful event. He will God willing break bread with Br Jim Barton's Zoom group so you can find him there on Sundays . And just before it, Mark and Lisa Hawkins had been able to take
NEV Bibles to two different app users in the suburbs of Perth, Western Australia and had some encouraging conversations with them. Let's pray that leads to baptisms too. Mark commented how wonderful it was to find people in nearby suburbs where you live, who show such serious interest in the Truth.
We have a WhatsApp group where we advertise the baptisms, and any who are free can join in and make up the audience then do so. Let us know if you want to be added to it. Some prefer just one or two present at their baptism, others appreciate as large a crowd as possible.
PRAYER POINTS - For those recently baptized
- For the ongoing needs in Sicily and Italy
- For the very many people who are now listening to what we have to say, and are engaging with Jesus Christ for the first time in their lives
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks