June 2020 Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Ukraine, Iran, USA

We strongly recommend you download the "Bible Companion" app, from where you can access Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings, Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at
and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at

With the reopening of some borders, we're able to make some trips again. This week we visited our brethren in western Lithuania and were so happy to baptize ANASTASIA, mother of brother Romas. It is always so encouraging to see those baptized before still holding on in faith. And so often, it is the poor of this world who are rich in faith and spiritual interest. As you can see from the T-shirt our sister is wearing, picked up where she could:

In western Latvia live brother Vladimir and sister Marita. They are deaf and dumb, as are their two children. We baptized Vladimir in the early 1990s. We had many chats in those years, all by writing messages to each other in an exercise book. He still has exercise books full of those conversations. Later, Marite was baptized, and then the children, who are now in their 20s, were baptized some years ago in the sea at sister Vija's place.
It's a lonely life for them, in geographical and social isolation because of being deaf. But you couldn't wish for a more truly humble, sincere couple. Their Bibles are covered in notes, and they find the Russian app of huge value. Indeed, electronic communication is now a lifeline for them. We spent a wonderful day together, with breaking of bread together being the highlight:
Vladimir had in his Bible a photo someone had taken of him and Duncan having a "chat" by writing in an exercise book, in the back of Duncan's van in which he lived in the early 1990s. It was very well preserved:
About 10 years ago, Cindy learned the Latvian sign language in order to better communicate with Marita, although Marita is an expert lip reader. And they were able to have many conversations:
Well we have all aged over those 25 + years. But our faith, hope and love remains the same. This is just one of many cameos of where the preaching of the Gospel has led to fruit which has remained, regardless of isolation and all kinds of barriers. We rejoice in this and look forward to the Kingdom together.

As a result of studying the Farsi Bible Companion app, JAFAR became very interested in the Gospel and we were able to visit and baptize him. Afterwards he wrote: "God is merciful that you came to me for me to be saved. Pray for me". We then drove from one side of Germany to the other to meet EWA, a long term contact who has been thinking about baptism for a long time. She has been active with us and various ecclesias on Zoom meetings and social media. Ewa first came to the true Gospel from her English teacher, who was giving her online English lessons and preached to her and introduced her to us. Again we marvel at the working of the hand of providence to bring people to Himself- in this case, a former nominal Catholic becoming persuaded of the truth, doctrine by doctrine, over an extended period. We suggested about a year ago that she be baptized, but she then wasn't ready, and so this has been a long journey. Ewa was extremely serious about her baptism:
Afterwards, she wrote on Facebook in her native Polish that the day of her baptism had been the best day of her life:
The baptism was in beautiful Lake Berzdorf [Berzdorfer See], an absolutely tranquil place for a baptism:

Just after Ewa's baptism, we were able to help four family members in Iran to baptize themselves- MEHDI, MOHAMMAD, MASTANEH and GHAZAL. They had all decided to convert to Christianity, but lacked further teaching and Christian connection. Our app was therefore just what they needed. They only had a shower, so they got a paddling pool and filled it with water and after the service, which we held by video link, we were pleased to see they managed to achieve full immersion with it:
And so the great day as planned for the baptisms and they went very well, with deep appreciation afterwards:
Afterwards they wrote: "May God bless you and take refuge in our Lord Jesus Christ. My family and I have a lot of peace after the baptism, a good feeling and a new life. I wanted to thank you. Please pray for us that one day we can go to church".
We're also pleased to report the baptism of brother B in Iran, in very difficult circumstances.

All this is the fruit of Google advertising of the Farsi Bible Companion app. Thank you for enabling us to do the adverts, and we are open to donations towards continuing. It's certainly very fruitful. And please pray for these dear people as they count the cost of commitment to Christ. Messages like this are not uncommon:
Please pray for a woman, let's call her "K", who really wants to be baptized and has studied the app carefully, but is living with her Islamic family:

We were delighted to hear news from Ukraine that brother Igor Zbarazhsky in western Ukraine has baptized NASTYA
We also really and truly sorrow with brother Igor Bakai and little Bogdan in the falling asleep of sister Oksana, a devoted wife and mother. May God comfort them at this awful time.

Always good to see someone unashamed to witness to the Truth in the course of their secular life, not keeping their light under a bucket. Brother Tim Anderson sent these pics of his advert for the website of the Bible app on his business signboard in Virginia USA- looks especially striking at night. Let's all make the witness.

   - For those recently baptized
   - For "K" in Iran that she can find a time and place to do her baptism
   - For the tens of thousands of people now studying the app and considering baptism
   - For those of our number facing terminal illness and bereavement

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks