October 2020 Latvia, Uzbekistan, USA, Australia, Zoom Meetings

We strongly recommend you download the "Bible Companion" app, from where you can access Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings, Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at
and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at

Jim Anne Barton in Canada have been regularly running Zoom breaking of bread and mid-week classes with increasing success, with breaking of bread Sundays at 10am Eastern Time [3 PM UK GMT time, 11 PM Sydney Australia time]. There are attenders from all over. All are welcome. The Link and Meeting ID remain the same always:

Meeting ID: 912 375 8179
Jim would prefer folks wishing to join in worship and/or study to contact him in advance carelinkscanada777@gmail.com

Jim also does a regular Zoom Bible class on Wednesdays at 7 PM Eastern Time, i.e. midnight GMT or 8 a.m. Sydney, Australia time. Do join in.

We also hold breaking of bread live on Facebook on Sunday mornings UK time, on the "Carelinks Ministries" Facebook page.

We had another great meeting or "banquet" at the cafe, running the breaking of bread meeting twice as we fed the group in two sittings. The cafe staff are really so helpful and understanding. We are meeting within current limitations regarding the pandemic, but with Covid rampant it's right we do our own due diligence to ensure our brethren are not attending when infectious. So we are measuring temperatures before they enter. They all seemed to rather enjoy being told their temperature was normal!
You can see a video of the temperature checking at the meetings as our folks enter at
We're also pleased to tell you of the baptism of ROBERT, who lives in Riga, and had downloaded the Bible Companion app in his search for the Truth. A search which began when he lived in Nottingham UK.
We have spent hours chatting with each other and it is great to see someone use both logic as well as Bible reading and being led by the Spirit... to come to the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth. Really it does all make sense, to those humble enough to be searching for it. It was nice to do a "hands on" baptism after all the online ones.Robert made a very powerful testimony for others to consider, it's well worth listening to, and is at
He explains there how he first encountered the Bible Companion app from seeing a Google Ad for it. Google Ads really are effective under the Lord's guiding, using hand.
We need to repeat that we are still trying to raise funds of around 1000 £ / month for the Bible Center in Riga. We do appreciate those who have made one time donations, but the need is ongoing. Donations for this can be made specifically to The Christadelphian Advancement Trust
Bank: Barclays
Sort Code 20-49-81, Account no: 90258873
SWIFT/BIC: BARGB22 IBAN: GB19 BARC 2049 8190 2588 73
Cheques can be made out to Christadelphian Advancement Trust and sent to Steve Gretton , 27 Castle Gardens, BATH. BA2 2AN. UK.
Steve is happy to give more information, and you can contact him directly at shgospel@gmail.com

Thanks to your generosity, tens of thousands of NEV Bibles have been distributed free over the years. And we believe and trust that the Word will not return void.
Sister Miriam Worsnop reports a case like this from Ipswich, Queensland:
"Thought you may like this story that happened with Philip yesterday... He had to do a general handyman job at one house. The next door neighbour to this house called him in also to fix a towel rack... as he was leaving via the garage he noticed a small stack of Bibles. Turns out this household had it's own little group home church. On the stack of Bibles was a green NEV Bible. The oldest daughter tells Philip, that that Bible was her dad's favourite Bible he loved to use. Philip picked up the Bible and inside someone had written 'a gift for you from heaven'. So Philip then gave the daughter our Bible app business card for her to show her father". We have no idea how that Bible got where it did nor who wrote inside it.

We are moving towards producing a new app or website for online fellowship and would like to include some Christian music on it. We asked brother Ari Pickering if we could use his songs on his albums Ignite and Chasing Angels , royalty free, and he has kindly agreed.
However, he actually doesn't have copies of them on hand and we cannot see them anywhere online even for sale. We are wondering if you, or anyone you know, have CDs of those albums and if so, could you please send us the MP3 files of the songs.

Pleased to report another self baptism as a result of the app, KAMOLOV in a rural part of Uzbekistan. He has been zealously sharing the app around on social media.

Sister Ariella Strauss in Texas USA baptized her son ZACH, here he is with his father. Ariella has been a great distributor of Bible Basics to folks around her over the years.

   - For those recently baptized
   - For the ongoing work in Riga
   - For wisdom in building the new fellowship app
   - For baptisms planned in South America this week God willing

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks