March 2024 Afghanistan, UK, Conference in USA
AFGHANISTAN Still, some are able to get through the various filters placed on internet access by the Taliban and use the Farsi language
Bible Companion app. From this they learn the Gospel, resulting in their earnest desire to be baptized into the Lord Jesus- in the face of so much persecution and a radically anti-Christian culture. One such was MEHRAD whom we baptized with joy online this week.
Sometimes it feels an especial honour to baptize someone. And so, it was with the baptism of LEAH, 19-year-old mother of two, daughter of brother Frank whom we previously baptized. What a super strong young woman. She's really turned her life around, and although for the moment mired in nappies and baby stuff, she loves the Lord and His word and has a very strong faith and determination to follow the Lord the rest of her days. Evia especially was inspired to listen to her telling how when she was at school [not too long ago] she would stand up and in front of the other 28 pupils state what she believed was right from the Bible. You can see the short
video at
Her chief babysitters are her younger siblings, and they are already expressing interest in following her great example. What a great family, turned right around from secular life to the things of the Lord- although, yet again, let down by churchianity and yet eagerly looking to the Bible for guidance and grateful for our approach. .
Croydon Church in a Pub has people engaging with our videos throughout the UK- and that includes Scotland. LISA and her mum and daughter LAUREN and SKYE had been wanting to be baptized for decades, having been raised in Sunday School and continuing to love the Bible and the Lord Jesus. But because of the children being born out of wedlock, they were denied baptism. They were so very happy to learn we'd baptize them. Lauren told us how her daughter Lisa was simply so excited in the run up to our visit. And so finally, in a domestic bathtub in a Glasgow suburb, these three lovely sisters were indeed finally baptized. You can see the video and hear Lisa's huge joy and appreciation [beware a very strong Scottish accent!]
There was truly joy in Heaven above matching the joy on earth.
A reminder of our Carelinks Conference on Saturday 13th April Lord willing starting at 11 AM:
2125 Smith Avenue, suite 202
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Program is still coming together but we are looking forward to a number of presentations from various brethren. Let us know if you're planning on attending so we can think about catering, accommodation and other logistics. The local contact is brother and sister Eric and Wendy McKee (757) 971-0441
- For those recently baptized
- For sister Leah and all teenager mothers
- For all those wrongly denied baptism who still want to be baptized
- For those weighing up the cost of following the Lord as they learn the Gospel in Afghanistan and Iran
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks