News from Asia
Here we are all well and send greetings and much appreciation for everything. I hope to send translation of the next chapter of Bible Basics soon.
Bro. Anthony
Thank you for all your support. Translation is going well with the book. I am trying to reach others to get them interested.
Bro. Harley
Note: Translation of Bible Basics into Indonesian is progressing well, and can be viewed at . Our brethren are making a huge effort with translation; may God bless their zeal.
Whilst in Asia a couple of weeks ago for work I was able to call on two people recently visited and baptised by Bro. Duncan. A third contact I was unable to visit due to logistics. Bro. Mariappan lives with his family in Malaysia. He does not have good mobility, and is effectively housebound and dependant on his family. Since 1998 he has been operating his own website with its main thrust being to point out the errors of the Catholic Church - by God's Grace he came across Bible Basics online and he followed through the steps to baptism. I spent several hours with him and we broke bread. Sister Ratanapan is a 2nd year student Nurse in Thailand. I managed to spend two hours with her over lunch by a Buddhist temple and was really impressed with her desire to grow in the spirit of God (closer to Him) and in Truth. It really is a wonderful thing that, despite the weight of a foreign culture, history and often difficult circumstances, the simple Power of the Truth is still able to impact individuals in this way and bind us together.
Bro. Sam Bradley (Australia)
We are delighted to announce the baptisms of HARI, SHARMA and another contact JEROME. They are all living in other lands as a result of problems in their home areas and need our prayers.