News from Africa
I am very happy to inform you that I received the Gospel News that you brothers in the Lord have embraced me with. Thanks for lifting my mind to the Kingdom of God. I have discovered the narrow path to God through the readings and actions of the CAT. I will be happy to get more literature concerning:
1. The devil – who he really is.
2. When Christ shall come on earth to establish his Kingdom. Shall he come in person or in spirit?
3. Shall labour have an end?
4. How shall man live without labouring?
Bro. Peter Kum
I cease not to pray to God day and night for the mission work. I wish to thank you greatly for the Bible Basics you sent to me, which are of interest to make me search the truth in the Scriptures all the time. Please pray for me that God should increase my knowledge in His Word in order that I may continue to find the lost sheep and bring them into His fold. I have just started to organize a Sunday School
I am just back from Mbgenwi where we had a visit from Brethren and Sisters from U.K. Bro. Chalse and myself found it very interesting and enjoyable and everybody there was fine.
Bro. Kum Donatus Cheghe
On this occasion of the new year 2011. I take this opportunity to convey to all of you, our best wishes for this new year. Our prayer is it may be for you and your family, the year of joy, prosperity and blessings in Jesus Christ, and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.
We love all of you. You are so precious to us.
Bro Kim's Mukambilwa
Bro. Martin’s Mother died in Kinshasa, DRC, on Wednesday 11th January. Our heartfelt sympathies.
I was admitted to the Central Hospital, Cape Coast for three weeks as I nearly passed away. As you know, I am staying alone in my hired room and I had a problem in the night and my co-tenant rushed me into hospital. I am very thankful to the Lord for saving my life. At present I am suffering with my eyes and I am in dire need of spectacles for reading and long sight.
Whatever situation I am in, I pray to the Lord that I should always continue to serve Him as he knows all my problems and nothing comes upon me without him knowing. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he that keepeth thee will not slumber nor sleep.” (Ps.121:1-4). I am always encouraged by these words from the Almighty God who cares for me. “For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even unto death” (Ps.48:14).
There is very much hardship at present in Ghana, as things are in the shops and markets but money to buy them is very hard to come by. However, the good Lord is taking very good care of us all with the assurance that we shall all be in his Kingdom that His beloved dear Son is coming to set up on the earth and which we are all waiting patiently to enter. The present events going on in the world tell us that our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, will soon come to the earth and so we all have to hold fast and support each other as we are walking in that narrow and slippery road to the Kingdom. I know the love that you have towards me and I pray that you will all continue to send airmails.
Bro. Joseph Oppong
I thank Almighty God for His love and glory in bringing us together as one family in Christ. We must put our trust in knowing that when we die, or when the Lord Jesus returns, we have been promised a place in God’s Kingdom and we have no need to be frightened. We should always recall that great and precious promise. Many people today are concerned as to their future prosperity, no longer considering the things of God.
Bro. Sadique Juma
We have valued your assistance in the form of Bible literature, particularly Bible Basics in both English and Kiswahili, which have given us a new venture and in fact an easy way of reading and understanding the entire Bible. I received the book “The Real Christ” by Bro. Duncan Heaster and this has actually tried to answer the questions which have formerly puzzled me and which I raised in my letters concerning Jesus and the Law of Moses, God’s plan in Christ and Christ’s clear picture and image of Him in person. In Luke 6:40 we are told that when a disciple is perfected in the Word of God he shall be like his Master and Paul in his letters spoke about, “Jesus, who is our hope.” This Biblical literature has given us and most others in our country an added opportunity to study the Bible for ourselves as it helps us to help others who have not got the chance to get this good and true Word of God. In any case it has given us clearance for the preaching of the Gospel.
Bro. Martin Sibolo Situma
Here, my family and I are enjoying life happily in our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ. Many thanks for sending me “Gospel News”. In Kenya, our homeland country, we are living happily but the people of Kenya are fighting to get a peaceful life through voting to change the old Constitution and get a new Constitution and they think they are succeeding but I know that things are still hardening.
I am continuing to look forward to preaching the gospel. Jesus said the truth, “Behold I come as a thief; blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” (Rev.16:15). So let us watch for him to come. I would be grateful if you would please send me a Bible.
Bro. Maina George Wabwile

Bro. Maina George Wabwile
Some fundamental points on what the Bible teaches about God.
a) There is one God, not three, as others believe. Deut.32:39.
b) He is the immortal Creator and from everlasting to everlasting.
c) God sees and know all things. Psalm 139:1-24.
d) God is righteous and loving.
e) God has revealed His purpose in the Bible.
f) The power of God is described as God’s Spirit.
g) The Scriptures were written by God’s Spirit. 2 Tim.3:16.
h) Jesus was born as a result of the action of the Holy Spirit of God upon Mary. Luke 1:30-35.
i) It is very important to our salvation that we should understand the nature of God Almighty by reading prayerfully the Bible daily.
Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo
I am exploring the book, “The Real Devil” by Bro. Duncan and I do agree that it is well written and very good.
We read in the Psalms, “Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me in a level path, because of my enemies.” Ps. 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusted in him and I am helped, therefore my heart greatly rejoices.” Ps. 25:4-5, “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation.” Ps. 97:5, 9. “The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord……For you, Lord, art high above all the earth, you are exalted far above all gods.
Bro. Jacob Okoth
Thank you for the letters and notes on day to day events and also the “Gospel News”, which helps us to learn more about other brethren and sisters all over the world. We always pray to our Almighty God to send His Son to restore His Kingdom on earth so that these worldly problems will disappear. In our country we are expecting rain but there seems to be only a little but all is in the purpose of God who has a plan for everything.
Sis. Caroline Aphaxard
It is with profound sympathy that I have learnt of the falling asleep of Bro. Graham Scott Bacon of GPL Australia. We are going to miss him for his wise words in the League. Thanks to God for making it possible for Carelinks to reach all corners of the globe with the Gospel because it is not easy to get baptisms in Islamic nations like Iraq, Iran etc. Nowadays I am behind with much news from around the world so please send as much as you can for me. My prayers go to all around the Mission areas in these difficult and tempting times before Christ’s return. I really support the many ways to relieve suffering as suggested by Sis. Esther Worell (Canada) in Gospel News.
Bro. Lawrence Kowiti
Although Jesus had told his disciples that He would die but after three days He would be raised to life by His Holy Father, they could not believe. When Mary Magdalene learnt that the stone was removed from the tomb she could not remember what the Scripture said and she thought that somebody might have taken the body and laid it somewhere else. “They have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid him.” John 20:13.
LaterSimon Peter and other disciples went back to the lake. “They went out and got into the boat but that night they caught nothing.” John 21:3. The disciples did not recognise Jesus when he was on the sea shore. When Jesus told them to cast the net on the other side of the boat and they caught such a lot of fish that they could not haul the net into the boat, they realised that He was Jesus. John 21:6.
Thomas, one of the twelve disciples, when told by the other disciples that they had seen Jesus alive, would not believe unless he could see and touch Him. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Now for you and me, my dear brethren and sisters, are we able to recognise Jesus? Remember all those people were with Jesus for three years, but we believe because of the Scripture, yet we have never seen Jesus. Let us remember His words that He may come like a thief and thieves either come at night, daylight, when sleeping or when you are away on a journey. Let us take care and be able to recognise Jesus.
Bro. Richard Oduma
It is with much honour to our Lord Jesus Christ that we at Lurambi Ecclesia send many greetings to all our fellow readers. We are indeed eagerly awaiting our Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming, to establish an everlasting Kingdom here on earth. It will be a great pleasure for all of us to be in that Kingdom to rule with Him in righteousness.
I would like to thank you for your letter and the good lessons like repentance, whether I should vote, marriage and also the Bible Planner which is very new in my ecclesia. As I am the only brother among 65 members of my ecclesia who has a copy, please send more copies, if possible, to uplift our brothers and sisters to read the Word more carefully. We would like to thank you for all the support you are giving us to enable our friends and even our young ones to know the Word of God that is the basis of our Christian foundation. We do appreciate the Bibles that you have sent so that more can understand the Will of God to mankind through Bible reading, study and teaching one another. The Gospel News, Bible Basics, Present Day Events and other literature have inspired us and given us spiritual food. We do thank you, brother, and pray that God will bless C.A.T. abundantly to enable it to carry out this work of feeding the flock.font>
Bro. Anthony Wafula

Bro. Anthony Wafula and his wife, Sis. Rhoda
I have much pleasure in reading my brothers’ and sisters’ articles from all over the world. We read in 1 Cor.1:9-10, “God is faithful, by whom we were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ, we should speak the same thing, having no divisions, be perfectly joined together in the same mind.” We are further exhorted regarding how we should walk in Eph.4:1-6. In this universe we are a really small, little flock and it is God’s pleasure to give us the Kingdom, Luke 12:32. I like that verse in fact. We must not be slow; let us teach and preach to the people the faith and foundation of the WORD of God.
As you mentioned, I fully agree with you that many brothers and sisters and even our hopeful friends do not have Bibles, it is the one way of preaching. Let no one say that they had no Bible to read. May the Heavenly Father bless you for the thought of providing New Testaments, for those who do not have them. As we read in Psa.68:11, “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.”
Bro. Edward Kunikina
Kindly receive greetings from Muhoroni Ecclesia. They are happy and blessed with the Gospel News.
Bro. Sylvester
I am from Nyange Ecclesia and I take this opportunity to thank you for the good work you are doing in uplifting me spiritually through the Gospel books that you send to Bro. Haron Nasongo. We have been sharing these books as I am preparing for baptism.
Chrispinus Juma
We await the future ruler of the Kingdom of God. We are all fine in our ecclesia. Since there are signs of Christ’s coming we should double our efforts in the Lord’s vineyard.
Bro. Samuel Watako
We in Nyange Ecclesia would like to express our gratitude and interest in what you are intending to do for us. Many members of the ecclesia have been undergoing difficulties during Bible studies due to lack of personal copies of the Bible. We hope that your idea of supplying New Testament copies will make the work of spreading the gospel easier. Please keep remembering us with helpful items in order to make sure that we develop ourselves in preparation to receive our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro. Adriano Wanjala
I have been reading the editorial by Bro. Duncan Heaster, “Conflict and Reconciliation”, page 4. By forgiving our brother/sister we are judging righteously; we are in essence deciding our own judgment, which is to be revealed at the Lord’s return.
I was a former Roman Catholic, baptised as a child in 1954, confirmed later in 1963. Until 1975 my vision was to become a priest but the God of Israel never called me for that purpose. He had a plan for me; I spent six months attending mass in the city of Nairobi, early in the morning. When the time came for seminary, I applied but was not taken. I was always happy when I read the Bible and I felt comforted with God’s message of life through Jesus Christ, but one major issue disturbed me. I used to ask my mother, “Where do we go when we die?” – but never get a satisfactory answer.
One day in 1978 I saw an advertisement in Nairobi advertising a talk about the Christadelphian faith. I went along and met a brother, Epaphras Wekati and I was pleased to learn the Truth and able to take the Bible Course under his instruction and attended Bible discussions and the Memorial Service. I was given a test of faith by Bro. David Rowley from England and passed the interview. On 21st August 1978I was baptised in Nairobi City and made the most important decision in my life to become a follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In conclusion, we read in Heb. 2:3, “How shall we escape, if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at the first by the Lord and it was attested to by those who heard.”
Bro. John Onani
Thank you very much for the editorial “Conflict and Reconciliation”. I am sure that all ecclesias in my region have been touched. They all know what we have gone through following some changes in ecclesial management. God is using you to reach His people in a very special way.
Bro. Joseph Onyango
Our Ecclesia has nine brothers and 14 sisters with 25 Sunday School children and five contacts or friends. The books of Daniel and Revelation prophesied the coming events of our days and that is why I need the definition of the books in detail. I am still waiting to see if Bro. Malcom can send me the books you requested for me. Tongaren Ecclesia is very interested in the Bukusu language. We are the only ecclesia in our area which operates its meetings in the local rather than the national language. Brothers like to read and exhort in Bukusu language, which is why the ecclesia has asked for Bukusu Bibles. Can you please help us?
According to world events, in our area, to kill someone is now no new thing. Nowadays we have seen people killing each other every week – a man killing his wife or a woman killing her husband. This proves that we are actually in the last days as the Bible prophesied. May Jesus come quickly to save the situation so that we may enter into his Kingdom.
Let us praise Almighty God for the work He has done to enable the printing of the New Testament, and put in some definitions of the verses on Bible topics, so that others may find Bible truths. Some Bible verses are very difficult to understand and because of this many people do not agree with each other. This is why we have got one Bible and many different churches. Yes, brother, you have done very well to try to protect the truth of the Bible and our belief in it.
Siko-Tail Craft School in conjunction with Tongaren Ecclesia has implemented some regulations that all newcomers for training should agree to attend Sunday services while in training. We now have over 20 experienced trainees in the first term but many drop out in the second and third terms. This is why we need 20 Bibles for the Tailoring School. In the attached photo are some Siko-Tail trainees in the Ecclesia. A trainee, Sis. Irine Sikolia is demonstrating to others how to fix a zip on a long trouser. On her left is Ruth Wanjala of Namunjiri and Wilkister Cheloti of Makhonge. Displayed are training materials which we received recently from CAT for training purposes. We are expecting to baptise some of the trainees, so may God, help us so that we may baptise some.
Bro. Isaac Kapa

Sis. Irine Sikolia demonstrating to students.
Thank you very much for the parcel of Bible Basics, etc. These books are now helping us very much in the work of Bible proclamation. On 16th November we had a very big congregation for Bible Study in the house of a friend, Mary Muhonja Imbuka, who is chairlady of a C.B.O. group at Kiminini. After the discussion many of the friends were very happy and decided to continue with the Bible Study. I, Bro. Emmanuel Milimo, was the first teacher and taught about two topics – The Table of the Lord and the Kingdom of God and Bro. Martin Barasa then taught about Fellowship. Those topics amazed the multitude and the Bible Basics manual assisted us very much with answering questions. Most of our friends requested the Bible Basics in Kiswahili and also Swahili.
The Mother and Child C.B.O.has six hundred members and Bro. Martin and myself have been asked to conduct Bible Study once a month. The distance from Turbo to Kiminini is about 80 kms. The materials you send me are helping the brethren and friends too. We need your prayers and more materials. Mother and child members are mostly widows and orphans. Enclosed is a photo of leaders of a group and ourselves, seated from right to left in first row, Bro. Martin Basara, Bro. Emmanuel Milimo and Chairlady Mary Muhonja Imbuka, who is urging us to continue teaching the group.
Bro. Emmanuel Milimo

People at the Kiminini meeting
The effort to present the living truth to others who are seeking salvation is a challenging venture first to our way of life so that the same results are reaped in the lives of our interested friends who receive the message.
We hereby request the New Testaments, which as per example provided will prove informative to the seeker and presenter of the truth alike. Please kindly include five Bible Basics in English or Swahili if available.
Bro. Shawn Tyler
In Gospel News, October to December 2010, page 69, someone asked Bro. Maxwell Makah, “Why were we created black?” Please let me throw some Biblical light thereon. Noah and his family were all white, all eight of them. When Ham spied on the nakedness of his father Noah, he was cursed to be servant to his two brothers, Shem and Japheth. When they began to multiply each family went their way in different directions. Some went to the north, some went to the south, some went to the east and some went to the west. Those who came to Africa are the children of Ham who were cursed to be servants to Shem and Japheth, who went to the west and the east. Africa is situated right under the Equator, in the path of the sun, so to insulate the skin from the heat of the sun, God coloured those who migrated to Africa black – the colour God differentiated between the Master “white man” and the servant “black man”, descendants of Ham.
Bro. Theophilus O Lartey
Comment: I do not know the answer to this somewhat controversial subject. Another theory is that in the beginning they were all black and so the question is reversed – How did black men become white? The various pigmentations of our skin and hair are determined, I understand, by melanin, sunlight and vitamin D. Would be interesting if one of our scientific members could give us a serious scientific explanation. MH
Our preaching efforts are still taking part in many places where there are Christians found or not, and it is one way of helping people to know the Bible and how to use it.
We have received ten Bible Basics, together with Bible Companions. Our request is, if you can, please send more Bible Companions as we are still in need of these. The Bible Basics are helpful because we use them in groups, reading and discussing; in so doing we learn more than one can alone. In my mind I have another idea for spreading the Truth, by working with other Christian Churches, sharing ideas, by which I think we can help one another - or walking door to door, or from place to place where people are found, to discuss our beliefs.
Bro. Peter Mbingwani

Chabonga Ecclesia with their Bible Basics

Bro. Mbingwani and his family.
The Changamile Christadelphian Church is still growing – we are receiving blessings from God Almighty. We were 20 in number, now we’re at 25 and we are joyfully meeting in our newly constructed hall.
Bro. Morris Assani
I went to attend a Bible School in Wsanje Bangula at Kalenso. The journey is about 60Km. The course was led by Brother Mark Sheppard, Sister Ruth Sheppard and Brother Paul Turner. We had very good lessons about Israel’s Kingdom and we learnt about it.
1. Why Israel asked for a King (1 Samuel 8)
2. The anointing of Saul to be King over his inheritance and how he failed to obey the law of God in 1 Samuel 13.
3. The anointing of David to be King of Israel in chapter 16 of 1 Samuel
4. The friendship of David and Jonathan and many more points from 1 Sam.18.
We also learnt about Melchizedek, King of Salem, Priest of the most high God (Genesis 14:18-20 and Hebrews chapters 5-7.) From this course I gained a lot, relevant to the days in which we now live.
1. World governments fail to rule over the earth and bring peace, as Saul failed in his lifetime.
2. Jesus, the beloved one of the Most High God appointed to be a King by God Himself as David was.
3. We need to be accompanied by Jesus, as Jonathan and David were by God.
4. Jesus is King and Priest like Melchizedek. While Saul was just a King, he was not a Priest. See Hebrews 5-7, especially chapter 7 v.17.
Through this I came to remember about Paul’s letter to the Romans, ch.13:11-12, where we read like this: ‘And do this, knowing the season, that now it is high time for you to wake out of sleep: for now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand”.
In these verses I think ‘night’ is people’s governments which are soon to be swept aside by Jesus, appointed King of Israel through God’s power. While the ‘day which is at hand’ is God’s Kingdom, whose leader is Jesus, who is King and Priest of the people, appointed by God Himself. This Kingdom will bring peace and prosperity to the people, and there will ultimately be no more death.
Please remember me in your daily prayers and send me letters.
Bro. Robert Folley

Bro. Robert Folley at his Family Study
I am finishing my third year with the Ministry of Health in June when we come to the end of our temporary work. No further opportunity of working with them.
The Malawi Government is now favouring those who voted. The Fertilizer coupon is given only to those who have voting cards. No voting cards, no chance of buying subsidized fertilizers.
My Mother, Sis. Manes, has been sick for two months now. She is crying day and night. She feels a very great pain in her thigh. She was treated for pain for a long time. She was admitted to hospital for just a week and was discharged before she was cured. The Government Hospital was helpless to me because they discharged my Mother while she is still sick.
This is a great problem to me because I am helping other people in the Ministry of Health, while the Ministry is failing to help me. I am very sorrowful because of her sickness, as she can never sit, never stand, and she always sleeps on her back day and night – she is full of pain. She is still at home and I don’t know what God will do for our family.
I am happy to know that you always think of something good for me. You requested Chichewa Bibles from the Gideon International Society for my Eclesia. If I receive Bibles from them I will tell you.
Bro. and Sis. Harmony Ntchalachala
The wonderful riches that are hidden away in God’s Word can only be found by searching. Before a miner can find an ounce of gold dust, he has to persevere and work for a long time.
And so it is with God’s Word; He shows us very simply how by trusting in the Lord Jesus we may be saved. But what other treasures there are in His book! We shall only know by prayerfully studying our Bibles.
Bro. Henderson Sosola
MWANZAIn the beginning there was darkness upon the earth, God said, let there be light and then there was light (Gen. 1:3). In John 8:12 Jesus Christ said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life”. Jesus here was referring to the good news of the light of the Gospel which those in darkness could experience, but those in the darkness did not comprehend ( John 1:4-5).
John the Baptist said of Jesus, he was “the true light which gives light to every man coming into the world (v9).
The darkness that came upon the Egyptians was because they did not receive the word of the living God. These people had their own God (Idols) e.g. Moon, Sun and others. The unbelief of the Egyptians was the cause which brought the darkness which lasted for three days and made them not to see each other. Only Goshen where the Israelites lived was there light. To day everyone who is walking with Jesus Christ is in the light, those who are denying him are in darkness. Jesus is still commanding us to follow his ways when he is telling us to let our light shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven 9Mat 5:16).
Bro Hackwell Mwenye
It looks that almost all countries have their own problems and they are growing bigger and bigger all the time. In my whole life I only need the kingdom of GOD. At present there is nothing that makes me happy, I only face problems all the time.
Bro. Amison Liwawa
I would like to inform you that we have a new group in a nearby district of Kasungu about 100km from Nkhotakota. This is more or less like a testimony to us as to how much the
Bible Basics book distribution has impacted on the people around us. Brother Chaunga had given a copy of
Bible Basics to a business friend from Kasungu District. After two months we have received information that a congregation of over 23 members are already meeting and they are expecting us to meet them there. To us that is a very good testimony about the work of God. Brother Chaunga is making plans to visits them next week. On the same note are there some books for teaching the children of ages 6 to 10 because as of now we sit with them together. Greetings to all brothers and sisters.
Bro. Esau Chirwa

Photo: Brother Esau sharing Bible Basics with a work colleague
Here I am fine, after a long time without communicating with you. In my long silence I felt lonely, but reading through Gospel News I become close to brethren and sisters worldwide, so please keep sending me the magazines.
A neighbour’s house caught fire after the fire from my garden burnt his house. So the owner of the house wants me to pay him for the burnt wooden poles, plastic sheet, and the roof of thatched grass: it was an accidental incident.
Bro. Joel Singini

Bro. Joel Singini (left), with an interested friend.
Let me express my sincere thanks for your good work in placing your helping hand on the trips we took visiting our brothers and sisters, both at Dzaleka Refugee Camp and in Nkhotakota District respectively. These trips resulted in the baptism service on 14th November 2010 at Senga-Bay in our fresh waters of Lake Malawi.
Brother Muleso did his part by helping to transport two sisters and some brothers who escorted them on their way to Senga-Bay to witness the baptism from Dzaleka Refugee Camp. Bro. and Sister Chaunga were also provided with transport to and from the baptism ceremony, and also brother Ishmael, who is now working with Bio Energy Resources Ltd. at Ngodzi, which is some way from Salima town.
Still there are more who wish to be baptised, but they have not yet finished studying the lessons; therefore we propose to have another baptism service next year in the month of April, God willing.
Bro. Austin Nyirenda
I want to thank you because of the things you have done for us, e.g. sending a Bible and Gospel News, and encouraging us to be faithful and to believe in the Son of God.
In my Ecclesia most people like to have Chichewa Bibles - only five members like English Bibles. We like preaching the Word of God by using the Bible, but many people do not have one of their own.
Bro. Harry Benito
We would like to have Bible Companions, as we have brothers who have none. We have 84 brothers in Nkanda Ecclesia with no Bible Companions.
We are very happy in Nkanda Ecclesia, waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Bro. Laiton John
Before I set the ball rolling, may I greet you in the precious Name of ‘Jesus Christ.’ Thank you very much for “A New Preaching and Consolidation Scheme.”
I have the honour to notify you that with effect from 30.11.2011. I am retiring from my career in the Prison service. My reasons are that my wife’s health is poor for much of the time, as you know from my previous letters. I have been failing to get aid through my work-place to pay hospital bills for my struggling wife. I do sincerely hope, if I get my pension gratuity, this will assist me to get an expensive medical practitioner to save my wife’s life.
With retirement I will be free to participate in all the Biblical activities. Brother, I have already submitted a letter of retirement, please do pray for me that my hopes and plans may be approved. My intention is to open an ‘Orphan Care Foundation.’
Bro. Henry Madula Banda
I am happy that the family is growing in Latvia and China, also Malawi – even worldwide. In Malawi now it’s the rainy season and in some areas we are experiencing it.
Thank you for the Gospel News, it’s good to understand other things we don’t know, and to hear how our brothers are doing out there, with some joining the family.
I have these chapters which I don’t understand their meaning. When I was explaining to my friend that Satan is our own mind, he came up with these chapters asking that I should tell him the meaning. They are Job chapters 1 and 2. Please help me to explain these chapters to a friend.
Bro. Samson Banda
Comment: These chapters are not easy to understand. One needs to go back in history and get a comprehensive understanding of how such terms are used in the Scriptures, in harmony with other first principles. Samson has been given ‘The Real Devil,’ a book which goes deeply into the subject and looks at every verse that mentions satan, devil, demons etc. MH
Would you please send me Bible Basics both in English and Chichewa? Please also send me a new version New Testament and continue sending Gospel News.
Bro. John L. Chikwama
What does the Bible tell about these events that happen in the world. I can just recall a few, just what happened in Kuwait in 1991,Then comimg to Iran's war( million of people lost their lives). Now coming to Afganistan war thousands upon thousands of lives have been lost. Look what happened in Sudan, Niger, Now coming to Egypt ,Mubarrack resigned on the 18th Day of demostrations on 11th February 2011, giving Egypt an usure future. What’s going to happen next - ha! time is near of the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ .You cannot really understand what is going on in the world today it, is somehow confusing but the Bible is our guide, that is why Brothers and Sisters we are not shaken with what is happening in the world. These things should happen, lets not give up the truth. We have to work for it and if possible we have to die for the truth. At the right time we are going to get the reward. for the signs of the coming of our Lord in Mathews ,Mark and Luke are being fulfilled. This generation we are fortunate, because we see all these signs with our naked eyes . Lets pray for one another as the coming of our lord Jesus Christ is mighty near.
Bro George Sanjama.
Our Lord will return the same way as He ascended to the heavens. The return will be a great event undreamed of by men. It may be in our time, but we have faith that we will meet Him when He comes to this earth, which is full of problems.
Thank you for the literature and the book entitled “The Real Christ”, written by Duncan. It is a book of reference like an encyclopaedia, like a pharmacy when we take the tablets for our daily life. The book is second to the Bible! Thank you for the new venture in publishing a new edition of the New European Testament. It is a lamp to guide us throughout our lives.
Thank you also for the encouragement. We, the elders, see the end fast approaching. We must prepare ourselves and keep our garments white and clean. The writer of “Present Day Events” is well known in the Christadelphian circle. Bro. Graham Bacon was present at my baptism years ago. He was a flight engineer for Qantas. He must be aged but his memory is alert and clear. I shall write to him for more information. (Saddly Bro. Graham fell asleep in Christ – we all miss his writings). Israel is always in the news. The Prime Minister Netanyahu is in having talks on Palestinian issues. The embargo to Gaza is again an operation under the supervision of Israelis for the smuggling of rockets!
We regret to announce the death of Bro. Mookram Sewsurn, aged 68, who died peacefully after a long illness. Death was a relief. He regularly attended the table of the Lord for many years at the Quatre Bornes Ecclesia and was beloved by his two sons (doctors) and a daughter. The family is not in the Truth. He sleeps awaiting the sound of the trumpet. Our brother was baptised in the seventies in a nearby river. The infant ecclesia had 4 members at that time. We maintain the lamp shining in this island.
We regret to hear of the bad weather in Australia, part of which is under water and some brethren and sisters have difficulty in surviving. Here, we are at present facing a drought and water is being rationed, due to lack of abundant rain!
May the Lord bless you for working in the vineyard. Your name is already in the Book of Life for the whole family in His service. I received the Logos as an unpaid member but it was stopped because of an economic problem!
Bro. Lilkan Ancharaz
I have received the “The Real Christ” and find it is very rich, educational and interesting to read – thank you. You help us a great deal and this book is the best.
We are now increased in number, but there is no material for our preaching work. Everybody is free to preach wherever he likes, all over the whole world.
Although a little late, I wish to pay tribute to Brother B. Idris. Although he has slept in Christ for a while, in the mind of people like me we often think of him. He served his Heavenly Father well, despite poor health. Notwithstanding, he was ill for many years, yet he always proclaimed our Faith. Our prayers and thoughts are with all his family at this time, especially his beloved wife, Sister Hellen Idris. Brother Idris has put all his earthly suffering behind and now sleeps, knowing that his next waking moment will be at that great resurrection call.

Photo: Bro. Idris Nkene
Time marches on – onwards to the great goal of the coming Kingdom. We are looking for the Kingdom of God this year. I realized that our God is hearing my prayers for all of you: keep on with your efforts to do God’s work.
See the enclosed of tracts I made with the help of Bro. Stanley. Blackstone. He designed it, with my ‘phone and address, and sent it back here so I could photocopy as many as I want. Please thank Bro. Stanley on my behalf for his love for us in supplying materials for the work. I travelled to my village 200 miles away during the Xmas holiday and distributed a lot of tracts and pamphlets there. People received them with happiness. Our teaching is quite different from Christendom. Soon I will go and see how things are.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu
Greetings in the mighty Name of Jesus. I am very sorry for the delay in my response to your kindness to me and Ikwueke Ecclesia. I have been sick with eye trouble and arthritis, which needs money and time to cure. I am taking this opportunity to let you know that we of the Ikwueke Ecclesia stand strong and firm in our prayers with your aid, awaiting the promise of God, by His grace. We read in 2 Cor.12:9 “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” He gives more grace as our burden grows greater, and He sends more strength as our labours increase. We glorify God for life and strength.
Thank you for the books donated by a brother and sister, which were duly received and stir up my desire for the betterment of Ikwueke Ecclesia and beyond.
I am delighted to announce the immersion of Sis Amarachi Joy Chinedu of Ikwueke Ecclesia.
Bro. Friday and Sis Jane Enyiogu
I am very grateful for the literature which I have received. I have started the work of our Master by giving most of them to many people, to give them insight to the truth of the gospel – the good news of God’s Kingdom coming soon.
Most of the Christians (who we used to call ‘Christendom,’) believe that a true child of God should never have any difficulties or trials, that all things should be well with them. Now, in Abraham, whose seed we are, we find to him was born Isaac when he was aged one hundred years. He lived as a refugee until his death and was buried without having God’s promises fulfilled (Hebrews 11 vv 8-9, 13). As Abraham’s was a true death, why should we of these days regret the stages of life we are passing through?
The Apostle Paul says that he was like a boxer who does not waste his ‘punches’, but he hardens his body with blows and brings it under complete control, to keep himself from being disqualified. (1 Cor.9:26-27) Paul was never a boxer, footballer nor a sportsman, rather he spoke of the material benefits to which he was entitled as a preacher of the gospel, but which he refused to have(1 Cor.9:11-18).
Please, if it is possible, I would like to have a Bible with a Concordance and Dictionary. With this letter you will see a ‘photo of three people. The person in the middle is my Sister Mother named Sis. Nyozi Ben Onyeri, whom Almighty God brought to become a Sister in Christ after many challenges; on the left is my Sister Wife, Sis. Ebene Chika Onyeri, who was having emails from Sis. Wendy, wife of Bro. Stephen Sykes. I am on the right - my name, Chika, means God is above all things.
Bro. Chika Onyeri

Bro. Chika Onyeri (right), with his Mother and Wife.
Picture of Gauteng Bre and Sis at Hermannsburg Bible School.
We take this opportunity to inform you that our postal box number has changed from no. 3 and we now use Box 770.
Bro. Edward Musabah
Bro. Iyendya Amsini has written telling of his horrible experiences in Congo, where his family and some close relatives were killed by poisoning and he escaped by moving from place to place and narrowly escaped death, the reason for attempting to kill him was because of refusing the witchcraft of his family because he himself was a Christian.
We have received letters from others who also have been so badly treated and even in the refugee camps there are examples of extreme brutality and murders. Bro. Iyendya appeals that we remember such in our prayers and to pray for Jesus’ coming to ultimately bring to an end such atrocities. MH

Photo Bro. Iyendya Amsini
What do you think about the coming of Jesus Christ? We cannot hinder a moment as it flies because we are not able to do so, but we are promised that we will be rewarded with everlasting life and nobody will die again. Jesus will come back to establish his Kingdom on the earth with its capital in Jerusalem. Are you really sure that you will be rewarded with everlasting life? If not, what are you waiting for?
The address of CBM Kibirizi is no longer P.O. Box 3, but it is now P.O. Box 770, Kibirizi, Kigoma, Tanzania, East Africa and the address of Bro. Habonimana Isaac has changed to P.O.Box 369, Kasulu, Kigoma, Tanzania, East Africa
Bro. Iyendya Amsini

Photo Bro. Francis Osiro
Please find enclosed the article to print in the Gospel News magazine. I would like to send you many articles for printing in the magazine but the big problem is that I lack papers. Please if possible send me a single copy of the following books: Bible Basics in English and ‘The Real Christ’.
Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca
I have a New Testament in our own language. Can I be allowed to send it to you so that you can help us make and produce more New Testaments in Lumasaba, as my people really want the New Testament in their own language. It will really be of use to them if you will allow the suggestion.
Thank you for the Bible Basics books in English which I received in good condition, though I was highly charged in Mbale Post Office. I also request some Swahili books, God willing. I thank you for ‘The “Real Christ’, which I am reading slowly and I hope it will be of help to me and the Ecclesia at large. The message contained in that book is real and will help other people who will be sharing the Word of God with me.
Bro. Boniface Masakala

Bro. Francis Maweli and Bro. Hassan Matsatsa baptising Bro. Dismas Makhafu at Butiru Ecclesia at Lutaaso River.
Bro. Hassan Matsatsa giving a hand of fellowship to the baptised members at Butiru Ecclesia.

Sis. Beatrice Namulinda, a sad sister of Butiru Ecclesia. You can see her grass-thatched house. She requests for all well wishers to support her towards shelter.
The Bible says that God has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth (Acts 17:31). For many people the prospect of being subject to any kind of judgment is unwelcome. The first human couple rebelled against God. As a result they lost the prospect of eternal life for themselves at that time and brought sin and death to all of their descendants, Gen.2:15, Rom.5:12.
Those receiving favourable judgment will live on earth and will enjoy everlasting life in perfect conditions, Rev.21:3-4. Look at this very carefully, because it matters for all of us, therefore considering the judgment day helps to accomplish God’s original purpose for humans and the earth.
Bro. Samuel Onyango.

Photo: Bro. Samuel Onyango and Sis Jesca
Peace, love and knowledge continue to abide in you as you minister to God’s people. Receive greetings from my Evelyn and all members of my family. Receive more greetings from Butiru Ecclesia who assure me that the literature you sent is of great help to many spiritually. May God continue to bless you in whatever you are doing. I would also like to inform you that we had a women’s workshop for sisters and close friends at Butiru Ecclesia.
Bro Boniface Buyeyi
Bible Study at Kafue Ecclesia, Sambia with some using the NEV New Testament
I have a student who is keen to be baptised and there are some interested contacts. My prayer is that we have an ecclesia in Chambishi which I soon wish to start at my house that I am renting.
Bro. Christopher Mwewa
I have three friends who are curious about the Truth; two are Catholic and the other a Pentecostal. They have asked for copies of Bible Basics. I had two copies, one of which I am reading and I gave the other to one of my friends. He has sent his comments to me and said that he found the book interesting and helpful and would like to read more booklets and literature. I have also lent him some copies of Gospel News. Please send some more copies of books so that I may give them to other friends.
Bro. Edward Mutale

Bro. Edward Mutale
It was not my desire to overload you with a pile of work but I was encouraged by your letter. It is not so bad also to request Bro. David Nicholls to do the printing, as he also told us to translate the leaflets into our own languages for easy preaching. I received your Bible Basics for personal use at home and being our ecclesial treasurer and also the ecclesial librarian, I have many Bible Basics and a variety of books for borrowing and they are kept very safely. So please post all the translations to Bro Nicholls and I shall send him the remaining sixteen in order to cover all the topics. Otherwise we are doing our best in spreading the gospel.
Bro. Wellington Mukuma
Christian greetings to you in the precious name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May the Almighty God continue blessing you and giving you good health as you do His work of spreading the Good News. I received the mail and the contents were wonderful and educative. May I request the following books: Study Guides to Revelation and Daniel, a Bible Dictionary and Bible study books. Attending to my epileptic son takes a lot of time and also my wife’s continuing problems with fibroids. Raising money for medication is hard and tough and only God our Creator has the power to wipe out all these problems. Please continue praying for me and my family. Kabwe Ecclesia joins me in sending our love to you all.
Bro. Maybin Bwalya
Due to the location of my new position, I cannot yet meet with the brothers and sisters at Kafue Ecclesia, but as soon as I am stable with my new appointment I will join them. At the moment I cannot walk such a distance due to my leg problem and so when my financial position normalises things will be fine. I still feel we need to keep sharing, especially the things we see, hear and read about, though they may at times be very difficult to understand or appreciate. It is the time that we should keep sharing experiences all around us, also to pray about situations like the Middle East conflicts, even when we feel spiritually bankrupt. There is hence the need to be nearer to God than ever so that we can always be refreshed by the Word. Signs of the times are what we now experience, so please keep sending me these updates. I am still thankful for these materials which I receive.
I really need some more materials; the Bible Missionary, Middle East Events, the Christaelphian, Faith Alive. Gospel News and Glad Tidings, as I now seem in isolation. Perhaps more than that, all these are full of expressions of unity and information, and as such help to remove loneliness and to always be refreshing. In this way we hear news, opinions, benefits from others and perhaps most significant it helps us not to lose sight of the wonders of salvation for which we all long.
I will keep you updated of any new developments, but for now I hope to do a Diploma programme on Easy Childhood Education for the 2011 intake, God Willing.
Bro. Wilfred Chbomba
Thank you very much for your letter and for the New Testament Bible. This is a great tool for all believers to read and understand the Word of God and be able to preach to those who are still thirsting for the Word.
Sis Juliet Sakala
I enjoy the opportunity of reading news from all over the world which includes so many encouraging references to the coming of Christ. Please continue sending me more books if you have them and also more Bible Companions, so that we may start to prepare more people to come to the Truth and know the true God.
Bro. Chisosa Ostine
May I please request Bible Reading Planners for students who are now studying ‘New Life in Christ’ with us. I visited Sis. Jane and Mr. Sunyanga in Chief Chulubanama’s area as Bro. David requested. Mr. Sunyanga has never done any CBM. lessons but he has read through some pamphlets from Sis. Jane. However, I have asked Bro. Kunda to register Mr. Sunyanga as a student. I will also make myself available to him for further assistance.
Bro. Boniface Simpanzye

The Kasama Ecclesia
Man shall not live by bread alone. (Matt.4:1-4)
These words were used by the Lord Jesus Christ after having been led up by the Spirit in the wilderness to be tempted. After fasting for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry and the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread. But he answered, It is written, MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD.” What are the words that come from the mouth of God? From Old Testament to New Testament God has not wanted any man he has created in his own image to perish by turning away from him, practising all that is evil, but to repent, hold fast to His commandments and enjoy eternal life in the Kingdom to come.
In Acts 17:30 the Bible warns us that the times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men and women everywhere around the world to repent. In Zech.1:3-4 God requires us to turn to Him and He will return to us and we will enjoy His blessings through His Son. His Word is just and true and we should follow in the footsteps of Our Master, Jesus Christ, who never ignored the Word of His Father, our Father, spiritually, when we remain Christians with sound faith. It is a good lesson for every believer to follow His character. Jesus, having human nature, did not submit to the tempter, although He was hungry, because He had God’s Word in Him all the time.
Bro. John Kasanda
I was so pleased when I received “The Real Christ”, not realising that there would as well be “The Real Devil” and “Wrested Scriptures”. I immediately looked up the references to “angels that sinned”. I am now convinced beyond doubt and praise be to God for this knowledge. May God bless you for helping us to get into good shape before the return of God’s Anointed Son.
Thank you also for the Bible Basics, Gospel News and leaflets on present day events, which I enjoy and am kept busy reading prayerfully in order to grasp all the information.
Bro. John Kasanda
Thank you for the book “The Real Christ”, which contains many topics and helps me to understand the true teaching of the Bible.
Bro. Robert Miwele
I enjoyed the visit by Bro. David Nicholls and Sis. Lynda four months ago, when they came to meet us in Kitwe. I am still in isolation and trying hard to make people understand the Christadelphian doctrine. I live on the farm some five Kilometers from the district. I have five children in all, for Sunday School: three are my children and two are their friends within the neighbourhood. I am a brick-layer, but not in formal employment. Sometimes I do chance work and walk to the district to build for a few hours. I lead a very simple life and am happy about it. Three of my children go to school. God has blessed me abundantly.
Please send me the required number of New Testament Bibles and a few Gospel magazines, some Sunday School material and easy to read booklets especially for the Sunday School scholars. I am very interested in youngsters, because as they grow, God willing, they become full-time Christians and they don’t easily forget what they learn. I also have a number of visitors who are interested in learning the Truth.
I am happy that it is the rainy season and we are preparing the land for planting. It gives us work, and we are always busy.
Bro. Willies Simbowe
I am glad to hear that you intend to print the whole of the New Testament with supporting notes on Christadelphian beliefs and I hope that this will be another tool for our effective preaching here. I am also thankful for this extraordinary book, “The Real Devil”, which is so interesting and gives a clear picture of what a ‘devil’ is.
Bro. Stephen Siamabi
I am doing great and am so happy to contribute to the Magazine again. I may not be able to count my blessings but am certainly able to share them. I loved the new preaching scheme which has to do with the newest and very special kind of New Testament. It is going to help a lot of our students in real need. Our extremely good Heavenly Father has pampered us in the year 2010 with lots of stunning blessings; so I say a blessed 2011 to every person and let us continue to wait for Jesus Christ with readiness of heart and mind. Your fellow-pilgrim to God’s Kingdom,
Sis. Lyn Tembo
I thank God for the letter you sent me which I appreciated. Please send me a book about Muslims and their beliefs so that they will not be a problem to me. I also need a Bible with the Old and New Testaments and cross references so that I can understand and enjoy it better. What is the Holy Spirit and what are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Is prophecy about my present lifetime or things which are in the past?
Bro. Joshua Banda
Let us continue praying for one another as if we lived side by side. It is my sincere hope and trust that all is well. Thank you for the book about the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit gifts which will help me explain any doubts about the subject with my contacts. As always in the mission field this subject is a problem, especially when teaching those with a strange doctrinal background.
I receive bi-monthly copies of the Logos magazine from Bro. Goodman of Australia as thankfully copies are sent to some of us in third world countries who cannot afford them. It is a good magazine which has exciting articles and teaches much about the past and current history of Israel. I liked the signs of the times leaflets you sent on Israel. Yes, Israel will soon have no other friend in the world. We should always look closely at Israel. In the near future, if war breaks out, America will wash her hands of Israel, who will then have no super power to help her. If this happens then our Lord Jesus will return and save Israel – may that day be soon.
I am pleased to hear that the New Testament project is underway. I always put such good initiative in God’s hands and pray that the project will be a success. Thank you for letting me know that Duncan is in China. We pray that God will protect him, especially as you said there are governmental problems there. We only water the seed but God gives the increase. Give my brotherly love to him when he returns. The return of our Lord is near and there is no time to waste and we must be busy doing the Lord’s work. I pray that one day we can meet in person, perhaps when Christ returns, which would be wonderful, and I will make a great effort to find you.
I have minor pains, please pray for me.
I liked the leaflets containing the signs of the times, and I would request for more regular ones to be sent to me. These teach us a lot about what is happening around us, with Biblical interpretations. These papers will help to give us a general picture that the return of Christ is very near and that we need to use our time wisely for Kingdom purposes.
Bro. Gideon Hankomone
Brothers, we have a big problem with our daughter, Sis. Thresser, who is very sick. We went with her to the hospital and were given a prescription for drugs costing k400,000 in Zambian money. At the moment we do not have that amount of money as it has been used to pay for her education – this time she has finished grade 12. There is no peace in the world and we have to be watchful as our redemption draws near in God’s most wonderful Kingdom; we sincerely pray that we will be given a place therein.
Bro. Charles and Sis. Cathrine Daka
All in Mufulira Ecclesia are waiting for our Master, Jesus Christ, to come and establish His Kingdom here on earth. I met a student and discussed with him about baptism. In his church when you want to be baptised you have to pay a fee of about k10,000, equivalent to two dollars, to their pastors, but as it was difficult for him to pay this amount he was baptised on credit and he had to pay at the end of the month. I explained to him that baptism is free and it should be performed when a person understands God’s Will and repents, as Peter replied in Acts 2:38, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins”. You don’t have to pay a certain amount of money. Paul’s letter to the Romans tells us that “we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4.
Bro. Fred Mumba
As I am writing this letter, people are busy running to and fro in the fields planting tobacco, maize, sorghum and soyas. The weather promises to be fine, while we are living in a changing world.
One year has passed and we are now well into 2011. As we read through reviews of the past year, we are reminded of events that have already receded into the forgotten past. They are history. It is not easy to let go of the things of the past, yet the Bible presents us with a God who not only creates, but is always recreating.
As we move on through the year, let us be glad for what is being left behind – much of it evil and all of it transitory. Let us be glad also for what is coming, for the new creation, for the new heavens and the new earth God is creating. Pray for the perfect heavens and perfect earth which Christ will bring soon, when he returns to rule.
Bro. David Yelulani
It shows the love of God when He continues to urge His people to spread the Gospel of truth. We now know the truth, and that is setting us free from problems and troubles. We also now know how to overcome the powers of evil (Ephesians 6:14).
I am OK – God is keeping me safe.
Bro. Calvin Chitano
I am delighted to report the good news of my baptism. I was baptised here at Ratelshoek Tea Estate in Chipudzana River in Chipinge District. I was baptised by Bro. Moses Dhlakama, with four other students. Though Bre. Patrick and Admire were unable to attend, things went well, in peace and harmony. May the Lord keep me in the way to His Kingdom. We all enjoyed the nice meal prepared by my wife Ronica Madhimba at my house. Ronica is taking some lessons with other students. I was given the right hand of fellowship at Rimbi Ecclesia by Bro. Rhobson Sithole of Bulawayo.
We are busy doing meetings on a rota for Breaking of Bread here in Chipinge North with Bre. Moses, Farai and Sis. Evelyn, either at Bro. Moses’ farm at Christine, or at my house here at Ratelshoek. Again, we normally have our monthly meetings at Rimbi, Tanganda Halt and Christine Farm.
Thank you very much for the books you have sent me. I have finished reading Bible Basics and ‘The Real Christ.’ May you keep on sending me others.
I am also looking forward to the baptism of my wife Ronica Madhimba. We are baptised into the saving Name of Jesus Christ and must be men and women of faith. Through baptism we are related to the hope of immortal life at the return of Jesus, when the Kingdom of God is established on David’s throne in Jerusalem, here on earth. In that day peace and righteousness will fill the earth and all nations will be blessed and subject to him, so let’s keep watching, for the time is near.
I am glad to announce to all that very soon I will be transferred, God willing, from Ratelshoek, my working place, to another Estate around Chipinge. I will soon inform you when transferred. Thank you, and may God bless you all.
Bro. Simon Madhimba

Bro. Simion Madhimba being given the right hand of fellowship by Bro. Rhobson at Rimbi Ecclesia.
Here at Ratelshoek we are fit and strong in the Word of God. I thank the Almighty God for His love in bringing us together as one family in Christ.
From our community Bro. Farai Makandeni is being transferred with his job from Ratelshoek Tea Estate to Jersey Tea Estate around Chipinge District. I am parting from this good brother with whom I spent time doing God’s work. Our preaching ranged from Ratelshoek areas to Mpengo and Dakata, part of Mozambique. However, we will keep up our regular meetings, meditating upon the great salvation we have been shown. Myself and Bro. Moses will always keep paying regular visits to Bro. Farai at Jersey, helping people there to grow in Christ.
I also remain here at Ratelshoek as a labourer in the Master’s vineyard. I have a good number of students who are doing the 40 lessons, including my wife Ronica.
Please will you keep supplying us with more information, books and pamphlets to guide us spiritually until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro. Simon Madhimba

Bro. Simon and his wife (student) Ronica Madhimba, holding their newly born daughter, Needmore (Martha) Faith Madhimba.
In our efforts to have an ecclesia at our farm, very soon we will have two baptisms, and these two students learned the Truth through Bible Basics.
Bro. Moses Dhlakama
Guruve Brethren and Sisters were busy clearing the land where the Ecclesial Hall is to be built. All the members are well united, and the work is being done in an amicable way. Although we are a small Ecclesia, we are growing rapidly, as there are many students on the UK 40-lessons course and another group of students on the oral lessons under Brother Fawiel Mawookeka.
Many people nowadays are very keen and eager to learn more about the coming Kingdom of God on this earth. Here we give handouts and pamphlets to outsiders.
We are people who live in a drought-stricken, rural area which also receives poor rainfall each year. This year we had a severe drought, but we hope God will help us, as our only Heavenly Father (Psalm 34:10).
Bro. Nice Yotamu

Guruve Brethren and a Sister preparing the land for the Ecclesial Hall.
May I start by saying thank you so much, I received Bible Basics books and a second hand good bible from Durcan & Marcus May I say once again I appriciate everything you have done, You have blessed me so much. Thank you so much I am very greatful. Be blessed and continue to do good for the rest of people seeking your service.
Dennis Mudzinganyama
We can only know God through His revelation of Himself and His ways. This revelation is in the Bible, which clearly claims to have been inspired by God through faithful men (2 Tim.3:16). We can learn about God’s nature, His character, His mind and His purpose. Do we love Him and follow His commands? We should, because He created heaven and earth, and we too are being formed spiritually by Him. He gave His beloved Son Jesus to this world to teach us about His ways, so that we can enter the future Kingdom.
Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my Name, there am I with them’ (Mat 18:19-20). 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, ‘These three remain, faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ Let us follow His commandments to preach the Word of God, the Bible, to our fellow men in areas where we live, as God and His Son Jesus love us.
Bro. David Ngwenya
We had arranged to start some rotating meetings for Breaking of Bread here in Mt. Darwin with Sis. Esther Chigiji, who lives 80Km south of our place. This did not materialize as Sis. Esther cannot get to our place on a Sunday to Break Bread, as there are no buses in the morning, and her return journey would be in the dark, which would be difficult as her failing eyesight is worsening. Our prayer is that one day bus operators will bring in more buses to our place, which is still remote.
Bro. Sylvester Chakaipa
Bro. Sylvester Chakaipa
Thank you so much for sending us the book ‘The Real Christ,’ it is very interesting and explains much about our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please pray for visitors from overseas not to divide brothers in ecclesias: we expect them to make us come together and do effective preaching.
Bro. Gilbert Tevere
As we are now in isolation, we miss the brethren in Chegutu and around Zimbabwe, although we sometimes hook up during visits to Chegutu.
We read our Bibles every day as a family, a practice we have been able to maintain since 2004. I have not so far been able to get replacement Bibles, hence we have continued to use the old Bibles which have some missing pages.
Sanyati Growth Point has a problem of seasonal workers who rely mainly on the Cotton buying companies that go off season after the ginning is completed. That then makes contact difficult, as interested friends disappear to their rural homes for various farming activities. The place is also full of immoral vices and it is difficult to get serious contacts who keep in touch. But all the same, the Lord God has kept us and protected us as we strive to live under His commands. Our faith remains strong as we await the coming of our Master and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Bro. Itai Tembo
The idea of your thought is marvellous! It helps in preaching, making it much easier with these comments. I showed your letter to the Brethren and Sisters of our Ecclesia. They fully commend it and wish to have this New Testament with additional comments: the number they request is 12 to 15 books.
Bro. Svuure Faustino