Gospel News · January - April 2017

“Like Father - like Son”
| Bro Neil Todd (New Zealand)
ere on earth, family ‘likenesses’ impress
us. We see facial images and other recog-
nizable expressions in our newborns. Later,
characteristics and personality traits are more
evident in maturity. By these we KNOW we
belong to a family and have a rightful part to
play, responsibilities to face up to, with
service to render and joys to share.
There, in heaven we would see even greater
likenesses. The Heavenly Father, delighting in
the presence of His own Son; right there,
alongside Him, sharing in the vital, on-going
work of glorifying His Father, and at the same
time, redeeming ‘the lost sons and daughters’
- His Father’s unique creation. But it began
here on earth, with our Lord bearing the same
experiences and nature as we have. We might
say, the Lord Jesus Christ was then, now is -
looking upward, looking downward at the
same time?
The Word of God reveals the matchless beauty
of the Father/Son relationship between
Yahweh and Jehoshua (The LORD and Jesus).
We can ponder the process of how this
happened. So much of this beauty and unique-
ness is “lost” to those who mistakenly believe
in the Trinity. Think over these few features:
1| His Father was able to watch him grow in
“grace and favour with God and man.”
2| The Father was able to claim Jesus as His
own offspring. “This is MY beloved Son – hear
3| The Son was always “free to choose” to
follow “the Way” and to complete His Father’s
4| The Son revealed the Father’s love each
day by word, example and humble submission.
5| The Father both raised His Son from the
grave AND granted Him the full rights of Divine
6| The Father appointed Christ as “heir of all
things...” and the High Priest forever over His
We have two scenes in the Word of God that
will draw our attention to how it worked.
1|Abraham and Isaac - “...so they went, both
of them together.” A willing son - a purpose
driven father. Genesis 22:8.
2| Pharoah and Joseph - “...only in the throne
will I be greater than you.” An all powerful
king and a God-fearing, lifesaving servant.
Genesis 41:40.
In both examples, theirs was the choice! Isaac
could have overpowered Abraham. Pharaoh
did not need to give so much honor to a public
servant! Our Lord is a unique combination,
more willing even than Isaac, more honored
even than Joseph. Jesus would have appreci-
ated these two accounts even more than us.
Now for some homework!
Many fathers and sons appear in the Word of
God as having ‘good’ and not so good relation-
ships! Below is a short list of other examples
AND some descriptive qualities that you might
like to line up? And of course there is the
supreme example of Joseph, Mary’s husband
and the Son of God!
The Truth we enjoy is all about UNITY – not
just authority.
In date / time order
Adam and Abel / Seth
Noah and Shem / Japheth
Amram and Moses
David and Solomon
Rechab and Jonadab
Zacharias and John
Paul and Timothy / Titus
Spiritual Unity
In random order - you choose!