Gospel News · January - April 2017

Tell It to the World!
with a knowledge of spiritual things, proceed
to demolish the spiritual foundation of the one
who is looking for more light, instead of
building upon the foundation already there.
To show the better way from the Bible, instead
of condemning another’s ideas is more
Attractive Matter and Titles
Then again, people today are simply not
interested in such subjects as whether the
devil is a person, or the precise moment in
which Adam’s sin brought so much difficulty
into the world. They are much more interested
in the human story of life’s adventure, its
meaning, purpose and identity and the coming
of Jesus to alter the present
and state of world affairs.
I am not suggesting that
doctrinal subjects espe-
cially those fundamentals we
know so well are of little
worth. They are. They form
the basis of the Gospel. But
no fisherman ever caught fish
with the hook only. It was the attractive bait
on the hook which was the magnet. If the
disciples were here today, it is very probable
that their foremost theme would be – in such
an outstanding era as ours – the return of Jesus
Christ and the sequel, and also its effect upon
the lives of mankind.
Thus I would stress firstly that the foremost
message for today is the coming of the Lord
Jesus. I would hammer away with this message
week after week with the same main heading,
but varying sub-titles. Undoubtedly there is a
serious time ahead, and I would dwell on it.
As we read in Luke 21: “These are the days of
vengeance that all which is written might be
Must Make People Think
Another need today is wide publicity. That
which has been heard in the ear should be
shouted from the housetops. It is no good
sitting back and thinking that a ½ inch news-
paper advert will stir people. I would tell it
by flaring poster, by stirring leaflets, by
shop window card adverts, by posters on the
sides of cars, by newspaper articles, by radio
and in any other way which would make
people think. Brethren and sisters should be
canvassed one by one and asked to take an
interest in these things instead of showing the
deadly complacency which seems to be
settling down on the brotherhood in many
parts of the world. The day draws nearer and
the signs deepen day by day. What we want is
more of the individual approach, more of the
door to door canvassing, more of the personal
testimony and appeal. I would like to see
more of the Sunday afternoon
street meetings.
Our Own Apathy
Many members do not come
to the meetings at night
many could, but do not. They
do not realise the effect of
their absence, both on the speaker and to
themselves. The coming of the Lord is fear-
fully close. I say “fearfully” because of the
tremendous issues both personal and
national – associated with it. We cannot afford
to treat this subject lightly. How can we
enthuse other people if we ourselves are
apathetic? How is the stranger affected when
he finds the hall sparsely filled, even when the
subject is so alluring?
If we knew the Lord was coming next
Wednesday, what would our reaction be? We
would rush about to make sure of the last
minute things. We would try and fill in many
things we had left out. We would be sure to go
to the meeting, and this can happen any day.
A Part for All
Now for the personal side. A meeting can be
greatly helped by personal contact, that is, by
~ continued ...
I would stress firstly that
the foremost message
for today is the coming
of the Lord Jesus. I would
hammer away at this
message week after week