September 2023 Iran, UK, USA

Thanks to the witness of a sister baptized online two years ago, this week we were able to online baptize JAWAD, and sisters NASIBA and MAHDIA his wife and daughter.

This week we made a long road trip to visit various contacts and were able to baptize ZAHRA and HERBERT. Herbert, originally from Zimbabwe, is one of many disillusioned Pentecostals who has come to see through the myth of "This is your month of financial blessing" and the like. He concluded the problem was that people just aren't reading the Bible as they should. He got the app and requested an NEV Bible and Bible Basics, and this led to our baptizing him in a reservoir in northern England.
Video at

We invite anyone to join us on our road trips, especially if you have children. We have great conversations, try to do some fun things on the trip as well, distribute Bible Companion app cards and eat plenty of fast food when Cindy's packed lunches run out. Such great times. Do be in touch if you're in the UK and this appeals to you. Spot the app cards left behind in strategic points in the photos:
Back in London, the response continues. We drove over to West London to visit our brother Sohail and to baptize CHENGEEZ, whom you can see here along with Sohail with their Farsi editions of Bible Basics. It's now over 2 years since they were interviewed by the Home Office and their applications for asylum are still pending. It's a terribly frustrating time for them as they're not allowed to work and have beloved family at home. The psychological stress on them is considerable.
Next Saturday, Lord willing, we have our alcohol-free Garden Party in Croydon. All welcome. Quite an experiment but done in good faith that we might by all means reach and save some. Do pray we succeed. There was a good attendance at Church in a Pub today, and lots of buzz about this event.

So happy this week to hear of the self-baptism of PATTY, an online friend who is a great fan of The Real Devil.

   - For those recently baptized
   - For our alcohol-free Garden Party this week
   - For our asylum seeker brethren in limbo under so much psychological stress
   - For our 3x weekly Lunchtime Church meetings in central Croydon which restart this week [helpers very much welcome and needed]

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks