he Apostle John has a different agenda in
his writings to those records of Matthew,
Mark and Luke. He is primarily concerned that
“men might believe”. Each of John’s “eight
signs” focus on faith! Ensuring that faith moti-
vates (and not tradition) is as valid a message
today, as it was then.
A man “born blind” is the sign John chapter 9
gives us. It has a wonderful lesson and one
that is vital to our own salvation. This account
has a message for those who believe and those
who may not!
“I am the Light of the world” is the claim of
the Lord and I suggest that both the disciples
and “the man born blind”, heard these few
words. We can learn much from the detail of
this account, but let’s focus on two points
• What Jesus said and did!
• What the man said and did!
If we do this we will see a wonderful ‘picture’
of the true relationship we can enjoy with our
What Jesus said to him was, “Go and wash in
the pool of Siloam” He did NOT say, “that you
may see”. Wiping mud and spit on a blind
man’s face might be seen as a gross indignity!
We wonder at that! However, the man
responded in total faith ...went and washed
as instructed, and returned “seeing!”
His very first objective was to “find Jesus”.
The next was thrust upon him, to publically
declare that Jesus IS a prophet! He did that
John’s message to us is clear. We must first
“find Jesus” for ourselves, seek Him out
amongst the crowd – then be willing to defend
and declare His true status as Messiah, “Lord”,
Saviour, Healer, Teacher and Friend.
Jesus waited.
Time passed and the challenges for “he who
was blind” were intense. Yet he longed to
meet His Saviour!
A Man Born Blind............................. 2
Be Careful, Be Discerning .................. 3
How Well Do You Know Your Bible?........3
The Bible is Absolutely Right..............4
“I Am that I Am”............................5
“I Will Make You.............................. 5
The Virus in the Blood......................6
The Choice of a Christian...................7
Which Are You?...............................7
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses..................8
The Greatest ................................9
Making your Ecclesia What it Should Be...9
Christ: The Promised Seed of Abraham....10
Let There Be Light............................12
Training the Temper..........................12
Carelinks | Australia .........................13
Carelinks | Germany .........................13
Carelinks | Latvia .............................14
Carelinks | Ukraine ...........................18
Carelinks | United Kingdom ................20
Carelinks | South Sudan......................22
The Human Problem of Suffering ..........23
News from the Ecclesias
Kenya ...........................................32
Malawi ..........................................39
Mauritius .......................................40
St Lucia.........................................41
South Africa ...................................41
Kakuma Youth Conference...................44
STOP PRESS | CARELINKS | Turkey ........45
Farming Rats!..................................46
Contact Information..........................47
Gospel News
A Man Born Blind!
| Bro Neil Todd (New Zealand)