Gospel News · January - April 2017

is: “heaven”. We would then show them John
3:13 that no man has gone to heaven. The
stunned looks are always priceless and then
we continue to explain the true gospel of the
Kingdom on earth at Jesus’ return.
2| Have you been baptised? Many in Fiji have
only been sprinkled as babies so we were able
to teach about the need for true belief, repen-
tance and baptism.
It is easy everywhere to have conversations
about the Bible as most are Christians and are
happy to chat. We chatted to a school, service
station attendants, taxi drivers, bakery
workers (pictured bottom right), shop workers
etc. It is actually very refreshing to be in such
an open place to the gospel. We also
conducted a Bible study one night and
our two main contacts, Steven and
Sikeli, attended as well as three others.
Steven has had some 25 years in other
churches in pastoral and teaching roles,
and is overjoyed to finally be hearing
the truth and connecting all of the
things in scripture he never understood.
He is a humble person and also arranged
for us to conduct a second Bible study
with about 12 adults from his extended
family – most of whom have been disil-
lusioned by Pentecostal experience.
Sikeli is also increasing in his zeal to
know more truth and Skypes us regularly
with further questions that he wishes
to understand. God willing, we are planning
to get them both across to us here in New
Zealand for a one to two week concentrated
Bible study seminar. They are both so keen
they volunteered to pay their own fares.
We baptised Jovilisi near Rakiraki. Jo (as he is
known as) recounted how his Father was head
superintendent of the Methodist church in Fiji
but has passed away six years ago. His passing
very much unsettled Jo, and he has been
drifting ever since. Jo sought help on how to
get back on track with the Lord. He was
convicted to be baptised the next day, pictured
above. At the accommodation where we
stayed, Guy had been very open about telling
the staff that we were here for Bible teaching
and invited any to come and talk to us.