Gospel News · September - December 2016

We must make sure that we follow in the steps
of Joshua and Caleb as we take the emblems.
Because of their spiritual vision, Joshua and
Caleb also saw a lesson in the myriads of
“what-is-it” (manna) – Exodus 16:15. On the
next day they attempted, again, to guide the
children of Israel in God’s way – Numbers 14:9.
Think about this verse as you read it. Would
not Joshua and Caleb say “Manna” instead of
“Bread”? The word ‘defence’ has a margin
note (Hebrew ‘shadow’). Read then this
verse in this way: “Neither fear ye the people
of the land; for they are manna for us: their
shadow is departed from them.” What
happened to the manna when the sun was up?
“It melted away” (Exodus 16:21).
Looking Towards Salvation ... continued ~
Ten rulers had natural vision. They looked
down and saw giants (in the sight of men).
Two rulers had spiritual vision. They looked up
and saw little men (in the sight of God). The
results of the vision by the ten were disas-
trous: Numbers 14 verses 25,34,37,38.
What then of us? By looking up, with spiritual
vision, at the events of our everyday life we
shall be able to see lessons which will guide us
day by day in God’s service. If we fail to look
in this way, our vision will be downward, away
from God. The results could be equally disas-
trous. Certainly we shall not gain the strength
that God will give when we think on Him and
try to relate our life to His service.
e all know that: “The living know that
they shall die, but the dead know not
anything” (Ecc 9:5) and Jesus told us “No
man hath ascended up to heaven” (John
3:13). The common idea that at death
people go to heaven is completely wrong
because the Bible teaches the dead are
asleep in the dust of the earth, and when
Jesus returns the believers will be resur-
rected and judged.
So, Brethren and Sisters “Put not your trust
in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom
there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he
returneth to his earth; in that very day his
thoughts perish” (Psalm 146:3-4).
When Jesus was about to leave he requested
his Father “I pray not that thou shouldest
take them out of the world, but that thou
shouldest keep them from the evil” (John
17:15). “For the hour is coming, in the which
all that are in the graves shall hear his
voice, and shall come forth, they that have
done good, unto the resurrection of life; and
they that have done evil, unto the resurrec-
tion of damnation” (John 5:28-29).
The Bible is clearly against all the philosoph-
ical speculations of an active after-life
immediately after death, such teachers are
false and completely contrary to the clear
teaching of the Bible. The Bible indicates
death is a total eclipse of conscious being
with no thoughts whatsoever until the resur-
rection at Jesus’ return.
Deliverance from Death
| Bro Charles Daka (Mufulira, Zambia)
Bro Daka coming from his farm with some produce