Gospel News · September - December 2016

Carelinks | UK
nterest continues to come to fruition in
baptisms in South London and of various
folks, including many asylum seekers,
throughout the UK. Those baptized include a
significant number of local Anglo Saxon British
folk. An example would be Lucy.
Lucy had been a lifetime Roman Catholic, but
her search for true connection with God and
the Lord Jesus left her feeling very guilt
tripped by having to confess her sins to a
priest, and she wondered how it could really
be that relationship with God depended upon
attending the Catholic church. She got a Bible
and Bible Basics from us nearly 5 years ago.
Bit by bit the lights started to go on for her as
doctrine by doctrine, the truth started to click
with her and she saw through Catholicism,
leading to her formal resignation from the
church. It was just thrilling to listen to her
recounting her journey so far. Our sister has
six adult children and a very elderly mother
who are all online- but she can’t get on with
technology at all, and responded
to one of our press advertis-
ments, which reach out to people
like her who are not computer
literate and who are rather
ignored by society these days.
We have continued visiting the
hostels for refugees in south
London and holding meetings for
those already baptized and those
wishing to learn the Gospel. This
has resulted in many baptisms.
We really encourage brethren
and sisters to visit their local
refugee centers and invite folks
back to their homes. We are open
to donations towards the welfare we give
those we’re in touch with. Many of the
refugee folk are very open to learning the
Gospel. Inviting them for a meal and then
showing a presentation in their language and
holding regular sessions with them, both at
home and in the hostels, is emerging as a real
‘way to go’ in bringing some to know the
Gospel of their salvation. You can download
plenty of Powerpoints and material which is
Download Powerpoints and material which is parallel English-Farsi from www.carelinks.net/fa
Sis Lucy chatting with Sis April and Sis Shelby following her
baptism in Duncan and Cindy’s bathtub
Bro M being baptized in Duncan and Cindy’s bath tub