Gospel News · September - December 2015

spiritual staying power of
the brothers and sisters
living in the camp. Their
faith remains steadfast in
the face of daily adversities
with which they have to put
up. Please remember in
your prayers the 19 brothers
and sisters and 44 Sunday-
school children making up
the little lampstand shining
out in the midst of this
expanse of settlement.
There are also scores of
contacts learning the foun-
dational lessons of the Bible
and whose confession to
a good understanding of
the Truth and eventual
baptisms are highly antici-
pated should the Lord delay
his long awaited return.
It’s our prayer that the spiritual seed sown
during the just concluded preaching campaign
will germinate and our heavenly Father will
help it grow and bring forth fruits to His glory.
Kakuma Refugee Camp ~ “The Spiritual Staying Power”
“Grace be with all them that love our
Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.”
Even so, come Lord Jesus!
You Must Not Make Excuses (Exodus 4:10)
| Bro David Banda Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)
hen God asks you to do a special service,
you must not make excuses. If God did
not know that you were capable of doing the
work, He would not have asked you to do it.
The trouble is that most people underestimate
their capabilities and are quick to say, “I
cannot” instead of “With God’s help, I’ll try”.
There is also the practice of attempting to
give to someone else that which God wants
you to do. This creates the danger that,
because you constantly refuse to be obedient,
He will eventually stop giving you special
assignments and give them to those who will
gladly obey Him.
To continually refuse to serve God in a manner
that is acceptable to Him is to loosen your hold
upon God, for it implies that you are more
intent upon pleasing yourself than you are on
pleasing Him. It is highly probable that when
God gives you something to do for Him, it will
look so difficult as to be impossible. Do not
allow appearances to make you afraid and
offer excuses for He has proved that when He
calls a person to a special task, He also equips
them to do it. In your moments of weakness,
He will be your strength when you are assailed
by uncertainty and doubt He will give you an
awareness of His living presence. In moments
of darkness, He will continue leading you,
even though you cannot see the way.
Never again make an excuse to God but do the
work He has given you with confidence and
Kibera Market, Kenya