Gospel News · September - December 2015

Carelinks | China
he work of Bible distribution in China
continues, although the cost of posting so
many Bibles is significant. Over 350 have been
mailed out in the last two months. Brother
Donald reports yet another baptism as follows:
“I baptized Bro Yang at the outdoor swimming
pool, he told me his personal testimony. I
excerpt parts: ‘I grew up in a rural village,
elder village people support superstition.
When people got sick, they didn't see the
doctor instead of burning paper (they draw
strange words on the paper) and drink it
together with water. In my village there is
also a person called Immortal, people will ask
him for help when they are in trouble. During
that time a Christian came to my house and
preached the gospel. I was there but my
father and grandpa walked away. I was very
interested and listened carefully. But I was
too young and can't make any choice. To tell
you the truth, I only thought it is a legend and
didn't believe. This is my first time heard the
gospel. When I went to school, I like reading
very much, e.g. stories, Three Hundred Tang
Poems, 5000 years of China, Encyclopedia and
Bible story, I smelled fresh fragrance of these
books and very interested in scrutiny the
author’s idea and contents. But it is Bible, I
can only understand say 10%, so I ask others
for help but their views I can't accept, I also
apply Bible from Carelinks website and advert
in Chinese. It seemed your ideas are more
acceptable e.g. there are no immortal souls
when people dies, we become dust. As Bible
says He created man from dust, and breathed
into his nose to give him life. God can destroy
the soul (Matt. 10:28), so souls are destroy-
able...’ So He decided to be baptized into the
real Christ. The truth. God bless”.
Here you can see our new Bro Yang with his
NEV Chinese Bible with commentary and
Bible Basics at the back
ro Donald also recently visited Bro
Liu who lives in a village which is
about 2.5 hours from Hefei city. Bro Liu
told Bro Donald that each village in the
area has a government controlled
church, but it is never open to the
public! Every Sunday a few believers
have fellowship in a brother or sister’s
home. Bro Liu’s two relatives also came
and listened to Bible teaching from Bro
Donald, then he suggested they go to
the nearby village where they distrib-
uted two cartons of Bibles in the village
and left one carton of Bibles for Bro Liu
to distribute.
Bro Liu’s family with the Bibles for distribution