Gospel News · January - April 2013

Gospel News — Jan-Apr 2013
1 Cor.16:13,14, "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong." "Let all that you do be done in love." CAt's love to the truth, to our fellow brothers and sisters has been reflected in serving us individually. may the God of Israel bless you all. Please get me more biblical teaching about the Bible Sabbath. I have many friends and relatives who are Adventist and they base their teaching on keeping the Sabbath.
God's Son, Jesus of nazareth, humbled himself, faced death on the cross and was raised back to life again. Through love you have provided me with spiritual food and I must remain watchful, stand firm in the faith, endure and remain steadfast in the truth. Philippians 2:1-11.
--Bro John Owalo Onani
Bro. martin Barasa and myself are working together in preaching the gospel in mASABA and have preached to forty people in their Church by permission of their church leaders. Can you assist in any way? We need more literature. Remember to send us more Bibles as all these friends do not have any.
--Bro. Emmanuel Mulimo
Leaders of the Church in which we preached.
With my joy and gratitude I write to you to let you know that I received the interesting
congratulation at Christmas: I will treasure it. Thank you for keeping in touch with me.
In october I had to put a new number to my age (86). It is wonderful to be young with clear sight, acute hearing, elastic steps. But the old age celebrates harvests, youth, the sowing. I am not ashamed of my own age. everything must become old; mountains, rivers, oceans, stars. The evening-time of life is bright if I have God through Jesus Christ, who is the light of my life.
Bro. Lloyd Peake has begun to write me nice letters from Western Australia. I have read that new Year is not widely marked as Christmas in england. on 31st December some people go to bed at the same time as usual, and I am among them.
may God continue to bless you as I am confident He will. Let the words " I am bringing you good news of great joy" fill your hearts with happiness.
It is cold in Latvia. A wood burning range is a good place in cold, stormy weather to relax and have meals.
--Sis. Olga Goldmane
I appreciate the Gospel news magazine which enables the Word of God to be spread worldwide and for me to see many brothers and sisters wherever they may be. Please God, bless this task.
The photo is of Changamile ecclesia which consists of thirty baptized members.
1. We deny that Jesus existed before he was born, but accept that he was in God's plan before his birth.
2. We refuse to believe in a supernatural being called `Satan' but accept that Satan refers to an adversary or to sin that resides in man.
3. We refuse to believe that heaven is the land for the righteous to possess but accept that God's Kingdom will be on earth soon.