The Power of Basics

1. The Power of Basics 
1-1 The Importance of Truth
1-2 Doctrine and Practice are Linked
1-3 The Power of the Gospel
1-4 Keeping the Faith
1-5 The Importance of Doctrine
1-6 The Doctrine of Christ

2. An Analysis of Basic Doctrine 
2.1 God Exists: Practicing the Presence of God
2.2 God is a Personal Being
2.3 God Created All Things: God as Creator
2-3-1 Digression: Genesis and Creation Myths
2.4 God Sees and Knows All Things, Being Omnipresent by his Spirit
2.5 God is Omnipotent and from Everlasting to Everlasting
2.5.1 God Predestinates
2.6.1 God is One, and there is Only One Lord Jesus
2.6.2 The Unity of God
2.7 God's Name is Yahweh / Jehovah / Yahoovah
2.8.1 The Bible is the Inspired, Infallible Word of God
2.8.2 Bible Fundamentalism: Some Caveats
2.9.1 Strength Against Materialism
2.9.2 Separation from the World
2.10 The Judgment Seat: Motivation to Preach
2.11 Christ will Come and Judge this World
2.12 We are to Understand that Christ is Coming Soon
2.13 Covenant Relationship With God
2.13.1 The Woman of Tekoah and the Promise in Eden
2.14 Baptism is Essential to Salvation
2.15 Entering the Body of Christ
2.16 Forgiveness of Sins and Salvation Really Has Been Received by Us
2.17 There is One Body of Christ
2.18 Death is Total Unconsciousness; Hell is the Grave
2.19 The Devil is a Figure for Our Own Sinfulness; There is No External Devil
2-19-1 Digression: the Implications and Origins of Belief in a Personal Satan
2.20 The Holy Spirit is the Thinking and Power of God. It Works Through God's Word
2.21 The Lord Jesus Was a Man of Our Nature, Jesus Didn't Pre-exist
2.22 Jesus Christ is the Son of God
2.23 Jesus Never Sinned
2.24 Jesus is the Christ
2.25 Jesus is Lord
2.26 Through the Resurrection of Jesus, Forgiveness of Sins Became Possible
2.27 The Lord's Blood was Shed for our Redemption. Christ died for us.
2.28 We Must Respond to the Cross by Living Like Jesus
2.29 We Must Transform Our Lives
2.30 Imputed Righteousness
2.31 The Lord Jesus Christ Died to Achieve Freedom from Sin

The Effect of Doctrines in Practice

Appendix 1: The Structure of Romans: the Power of Basics
Appendix 2: Excitement With God
2-2 God Changing His Mind
2-3 Limiting the Omniscience of God
2-4 The Passion of Jesus
Appendix 3: Separating Church From God
Appendix 4: The Real Self
4-2 The New Life
4-3 Self-perception
4-4 Truth: A Biblical Analysis
4-5 Self Talk
4-6 The Glory of God
Appendix 5: How Unique is Christadelphianism?