view as web pdf The Family of God

The phrase ‘family of God’ describes human and heavenly relationships of life and love. It is not only a ‘beloved’ family, but also a ‘royal’ family. Christ is not only our Redeemer, Brother, but also our Royal Brother – the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We were born not only into the family of God, but into his kingdom as well. In God’s ‘family’ we will have life, in God’s ‘Kingdom’ we will have power and authority.

The church of Jesus Christ includes the concept of both ‘family and kingdom.’ Christ is the royal Son of God; His life and His authority will be expressed through us as we become ‘one’ with Him. The Apostle Paul teaches us that by one spirit we were all baptised into one body – whether Jew or non-Jews. (1 Cor. 12:13). The term baptise means to be placed into, or become one with Christ. We truly become members of his body, and that body is the church. (Col.1:18).

The first time we find the word ‘church’ is in the New Testament – it is from the lips of Jesus himself. Peter has just spoken out and confessed Jesus as ‘the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus tells him that the Father has blessed him with that revelation. Then calling Peter by name, Jesus goes on to say, that ‘upon this Rock, (the revelation that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God,) I will build my church, and the gates (defences) of hell will not be able to withstand victorious assault of the church against it. I will give you the keys (authority) of the Kingdom of Heaven.’ (Matt. 16:13-19).

Bro Paskweli Odur (Dokolo, Uganda)

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