Relate Your Religion to Life (James 2:17)

It is not what you say, or how you argue, that is really important, but what you are is of supreme consequence. There are numerous people who use religious phraseology with ease, but the ultimate test of any religious belief is the quality of life it produces in the individual and society.

Inner resources and strength, a creative purpose, a natural courtesy to all men, a listening ear and understanding heart, a mind filled with constructive thoughts and a spirit sensitive to God’s leading, all these and other similar things reflect the reality of a vital spiritual faith that can be seen in daily living.

While such treasures are God’s gifts to you, they cannot become effective until you have so accepted them that they are completely integrated into your life. There must be a start to such a life and this start can be dynamic and revolutionary, but after the initial start there must be a process of spiritual growth. Without such growth there can be no spiritual depth or living faith, and everything practised in the name of religion will then carry the stamp of shallowness and insincerity.

To grow in the spirit, so that you can live a practical faith, it is essential that time be spent in the presence of God, so that something of His greatness, creativeness, practicalness, peace and poise, combined with His other attributes, become yours in so far as you are able to receive them.

Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)

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