Fringilla Camp Mutual Improvement Class


These classes prepare brothers to the call for discipleship. I realise that it is always a difficult task to stand in front of other brothers and sisters and present a lesson.  What makes matters worse is that not each one of us is a good speaker. Perhaps a lengthy talk on lecture presentation could be of help to brothers and sisters.  The point is, before you teach or preach you must know your subject.  You must take ample time to research and read on the subject.  Not just mere reading, but – most important – careful, prayerful and thoughtful study.  Ask yourself, What am I going to preach?  How will I present the material? Do I have enough information in support of the theme?  Will the method I use be effective?

Trying to answer these questions, will mean having enough time for preparation and planning.  A lesson plan is helpful in that it will serve as a guide as you present your lecture.  It will also help in the logical presentation of your material.   Teaching is not merely standing in front of a class and reading your notes; the audience will take this as a lack of preparation.  Reading notes is something they can do for themselves given the chance.  Moreover, it tends to make a lesson boring.

So, when you stand in front to preach, first introduce your subject (theme).  Next, how do you sustain your theme?  This will call for illustrations, demonstrations etc. from different passages in the Bible pertaining to the topic.  These will serve as practical examples in support of your theme.  Again, you can stress a point by referring to the present state of the world, in relation to your subject.  Teaching is a combination of visual, audio and learners’ aids.  This arises because some people learn best through seeing, some through hearing and others through activities, etc. 

I am glad that at the camp we always have a chalk board, but few brothers realise its importance.  The topic and other important points to note should be written on the board.  Teaching involves class participation.  I wonder why many brothers sweat themselves to read their quotations from the Bible instead of asking for volunteers to do it. 

Having thoroughly presented your lesson, there will be the need to draw a conclusion based on your theme.  What is it they learn from your lesson?  In your conclusion perhaps you could introduce the ‘question and answer’ method just to see if you have achieved your aim.  Has the class enjoyed and understood my presentation?  I look forward to an improvement in presentation next year, God willing.

Note:  We have received several accounts of the Camp but, owing to pressure on space, are unable to include them all in this issue.  However, we are grateful to those who have sent in reports. MH.

Bro. Lapulani Malata (Kabwe, Zambia)

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