Living With Alcoholism

Guidance for Christians

The purpose of this site is to provide encouragement and guidance for the families of Christian alcoholics; hopefully much on this site will be of value to alcoholics and their families generally.

We are delighted to provide hard copy versions of this material to whoever requires them. We are eager to form partnerships with any ministries reaching out to alcoholics in any of the language areas where we offer literature.

We make frequent visits to those areas in order to provide assistance and encouragement to individuals and families battling alcohol issues. To receive your free copy, please fill in our Request Form


1. Understanding The Alcoholic 
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Denial
Deeper Study Box 1: Implications of Believing that God Sees and Knows All Things
1.3 Some Medical Aspects of Alcoholism
Deeper Study Box 2: Implications of Believing Human Beings were Created by God
1.4 Guilt
1.5 The Nature of Sin and Temptation

2. Understanding Your Response 
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Denial
2.3 Helping or Enabling?
2.4 Detachment
2.5 Patience and Forgiveness
Deeper Study Box 3: Repentance and Forgiveness

3. The Biblical Answer 
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Transparency and Conviction
Deeper Study Box 4: Truth: A Biblical Analysis
3.3 Repentance
3.4 The New Life for Alcoholics

4. After the Victory 
4. After The Victory

Appendix 1 and 2